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Ozone Closet

Team Hoyt

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I made one for a heck of alot less money. Go to Walmart and buy one of those collapsible wardrobes, get some plastic sheeting and foil tape, line the inside with the plastic and seal it all up with the tape. Go on Amazon and grab an inexpensive ozone generator, then use some flexible drier vent piping and put an inlet and outlet duct (inlet high on one end, outlet low on opposite end) into the wardrobe and then seal those and attach to the ozone generator. It might not look as nice, but it will do the job and cost about half the price or less. The bonus is, you can detach the ozone generator and use it for other things besides just the closet.

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If you are looking for a review on the closet itself I can't help you but I have the scent crusher tote and it works very well. I use it on things other than my hunting gear like my daughters soccer cleats and soccer bag as well. The ozone definitely eliminates scent but it sure smells like ozone. The generator also detaches and I have put it in my truck as well. I am sure the closet would work as well....

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Just be careful with the ozone.  It eats elastic.  I wasn't sure I believed it until I saw some photos.  Then this year I tore two pair of darn tough socks just pulling them up.  I suspect it was due to the use of an ozone generator.  I am not using it on the newer Sitka stuff I bought.  Socks have lifetime warranty so that worked out ok.  lol

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5 minutes ago, moog5050 said:

Just be careful with the ozone.  It eats elastic.  I wasn't sure I believed it until I saw some photos.  Then this year I tore two pair of darn tough socks just pulling them up.  I suspect it was due to the use of an ozone generator.  I am not using it on the newer Sitka stuff I bought.  Socks have lifetime warranty so that worked out ok.  lol

Sadly ,my belly wrecks the elastic even quicker :(

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58 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

I made one for a heck of alot less money. Go to Walmart and buy one of those collapsible wardrobes, get some plastic sheeting and foil tape, line the inside with the plastic and seal it all up with the tape. Go on Amazon and grab an inexpensive ozone generator, then use some flexible drier vent piping and put an inlet and outlet duct (inlet high on one end, outlet low on opposite end) into the wardrobe and then seal those and attach to the ozone generator. It might not look as nice, but it will do the job and cost about half the price or less. The bonus is, you can detach the ozone generator and use it for other things besides just the closet.

ł just fished the power cord through the corner of the wardrobe and let it run inside, accomplished the same thing in a hurry. 

ł will be using a flex pipe moving forward, my setup was last minute for a dry wash before my last day in the woods for the 2018 season.

ł can't see spending the $ on the name brand when you can accomplish the same thing while saving money.

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i used the ozone scent crusher bag.  I have a pair of thermal underbunks that it about the ate the elastic band from.  Hard to say if it truly works or not.  But i used it a lot and had a good season and stuff smelled like ozone.  I mostly used it in between hunts and still washed and hung stuff outside like i usually do.  

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That is extremely affordable and if it works I may just have to give it a shot next season!

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

Bigger and better unit than u get with Scent Crusher plus, if your cellar gets water, this is what commercial cleaning companies use to kill the smell. Lol

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

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