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lifetime licenses

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Not really sure where to post this so if the Mod's have a better area .....have at it.

I was going to get a lifetime Sportsman, bow and ML this year. I was concerned about the possible changes they are tossing around inthe 5 year plan and how that would play out for me if I did. So I emailed region 8.

Email to Region 8

I am interested in getting a lifetime sportsman, bow and muzzle loader. I am concerned though, that  the information and possible changes included in the DEC's 5 year plan may affect the benefits and priveledges in each of these lifetime licenses. For example the loss of the antlerless for bow/ml. If I buy  a lifetime this year will I be impacted by future changes?

I am almost hesitent in buying one now and not sure if I will do it.


The 5-year deer plan is just a proposed plan for management of deer over the next five years.  One element of that plan is to improve our ability to manage the antlerless deer take.  In some units, the desired take of does is met or exceeded by the take through archery and muzzleloader  either sex and antlerless tags.  This results in the deer herd declining despite a complete lack of DMP tags.  The plan calls for exploring elimination of bow and muzzleloader take of antlerless deer except by DMP.  This would allow us to set the level of doe take by how many DMP tags we issue, and allow us to keep units from being overharvested.  While it would remove the ability to use a special season tag to take a doe, it would result in increased DMP tags, and allow all hunters in the chance to get one and take a doe rather than just the special season hunters.

    Currently this is just a discussion in the plan and the actual regs have not even been drafted.  There is no intent to move to a 1-buck system, and a special season license would likely come with some form of a tag for an antlered deer, but those details will be worked out if and when the regs are drafted.  Any proposed regulation changes would also go through a public comment process of their own.    You may wish to see the clarification of this part of the plan that has been posted on the website. http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7211.html#DeerPlan        I still don't know if I dare to buy one. I guess I would still hunt the areas I do up north if I didn't have the ability to take a doe there. It is a lot of money spent while not knowing for sure

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There is no intent to move to a 1-buck system, and a special season  license would likely come with some form of a tag for an antlered deer,   but those details will be worked out if and when the regs are drafted.

Notice any thing about this response? 

Definitions of intent (n) symres:sb_nortoncertified.pngin·tent [ in tént ]  alt=Audio player height=16 width=16http://www.bing.com/s/playbtn.png[/img]

[*]plan or purpose: something planned, or the purpose that accompanies a plan

[*]state of mind: somebody's state of mind when deliberately committing or planning to commit an illegal act

[*]connotation: the meaning or significance of something, especially when not explicitly expressed

In choice of words IMO....they are not truly committing to what is being said...if so I would think the wording would go as " there will be NO move to a 1-buck system"...."special season license WILL come with an antler tag"....Those details HAVE been worked out if and when reg. are drafted....just saying :-\

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While it would remove the ability to use a special season tag to take a doe, it would result in increased DMP tags, and allow all hunters in the chance to get one and take a doe rather than just the special season hunters.


Now if they were to actually increase DMP tags for everyone to use, I would be all for this.  Most especially since I prefer hunting with a gun.  I don't for a minute believe them, however.  They can come back and say, "NO, sorry, still not enough deer to issue more DMP's in our opinions", and then we will have JACK available for us to legally shoot, while we are still paying the same or more for licenses.  Let them tack on AR's and we will have even less opportunities.  In such a scenario I will probably look for a place in another state, maybe down south where the bag limits are more generous.  Maybe I will get to hunt only one week out of a year, but as long as I am at least allowed to shoot a deer, which I may not be guaranteed in NYS, I will be happy.  Won't be buying licenses in NYS if there is nothing legal for me to shoot here.

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I got the feeling that in almost all areas thee will be doe tags. but you will have bow/gun/ml hunters in the drawing for them. so some of the areas like up north will not be very likely to get them. Dad and I ML hunt up there just to put that quick doe or two in the freezer to feast on during the rest of the deer season. when we have guys up to camp the meat is almost always venison. Helps keep grocery bills down to a minimum. I understand what they are trying but I do like how it is now.

If they change to this system I will still go up but the likelyhood that I get a buck there is small. I hae hunted these 3 plots of land for 25 years and taken 2 bucks there ...a 100 class 8 and the one in my avatar. only 2 I have seen in 25 years.

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I am still amazed by the fact that one day bowhunters are called "nothing but a bunch of buck hunters", and the next day we are deemed responsible for keeping the herd from recovering. I wonder if they have bothered to accumulate any numbers to back up either of the opposing contentions. Perhaps before they decide to remove either sex tags from bowhunters they should show some justification ...... in print. It sure would make the whole thing a lot more credible and easier to swallow.

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Not really sure where to post this so if the Mod's have a better area .....have at it.

I was going to get a lifetime Sportsman, bow and ML this year. I was concerned about the possible changes they are tossing around inthe 5 year plan and how that would play out for me if I did. So I emailed region 8.

Email to Region 8

I am interested in getting a lifetime sportsman, bow and muzzle loader. I am concerned though, that  the information and possible changes included in the DEC's 5 year plan may affect the benefits and priveledges in each of these lifetime licenses. For example the loss of the antlerless for bow/ml. If I buy  a lifetime this year will I be impacted by future changes?

I am almost hesitent in buying one now and not sure if I will do it.


The 5-year deer plan is just a proposed plan for management of deer over the next five years.  One element of that plan is to improve our ability to manage the antlerless deer take.  In some units, the desired take of does is met or exceeded by the take through archery and muzzleloader  either sex and antlerless tags.  This results in the deer herd declining despite a complete lack of DMP tags.  The plan calls for exploring elimination of bow and muzzleloader take of antlerless deer except by DMP.  This would allow us to set the level of doe take by how many DMP tags we issue, and allow us to keep units from being overharvested.  While it would remove the ability to use a special season tag to take a doe, it would result in increased DMP tags, and allow all hunters in the chance to get one and take a doe rather than just the special season hunters.

    Currently this is just a discussion in the plan and the actual regs have not even been drafted.  There is no intent to move to a 1-buck system, and a special season license would likely come with some form of a tag for an antlered deer, but those details will be worked out if and when the regs are drafted.  Any proposed regulation changes would also go through a public comment process of their own.    You may wish to see the clarification of this part of the plan that has been posted on the website. http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7211.html#DeerPlan        I still don't know if I dare to buy one. I guess I would still hunt the areas I do up north if I didn't have the ability to take a doe there. It is a lot of money spent while not knowing for sure

you went and put yer trust in the NY state Government and gave them alot of money for a lifetime deal ???  i dont know what to say brother ;D
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I will pay as I go.  I don't think spending $100 a year for a license will kill most people to warrant purchasing a lifetime license in order to save money in the long run.  Even if license costs go up, I don't think it will ever be unaffordable.  Now, whether I want to give the state the $100 for being allowed to shoot next to nothing is a different story, though.  LOL

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I will pay as I go.  I don't think spending $100 a year for a license will kill most people to warrant purchasing a lifetime license in order to save money in the long run.  Even if license costs go up, I don't think it will ever be unaffordable.  Now, whether I want to give the state the $100 for being allowed to shoot next to nothing is a different story, though.  LOL

You are right we use to pay to shoot something now they want us to pay to shoot nothing.


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I will pay as I go.  I don't think spending $100 a year for a license will kill most people to warrant purchasing a lifetime license in order to save money in the long run.  Even if license costs go up, I don't think it will ever be unaffordable.  Now, whether I want to give the state the $100 for being allowed to shoot next to nothing is a different story, though.  LOL

You are right we use to pay to shoot something now they want us to pay to shoot nothing.


Well, we are not quite there yet, but if they take our antlerless bow tag, and then still don't give us that DMP that they claim we would have a better chance of getting and then also stick us with AR's, it pretty much boils down to NOTHING.  I'd rather not pay them in advance for this bonanza of a great deal!  I doubt the lifetime license is a "satisfaction guaranteed or your money back" offer.

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Some of us old folks are lucky . I was able to purchase the lifetime Sportsman's License for $50 a couple years ago . I still had to pay $42 a year for the Bow and ML tags but that will change for me this year .

I fell into that deal of a lifetime too ($50 lifetime license). I still have a couple of years left where I have to pay the full shot for the bow license. But even at that my total bill comes out a lot less than it used to be.

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