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So last year was a tough one it seemed. The area I hunted all the toms and jakes were still in bachelor groups the first week of May. They would gobble, but didn't really want anything to do with the the hens. Def one of my toughest years to date. Anyone seeing this pattern this year? I'll be up for the first week at our cabin in Chenango County. Looking forward to seeing all the youths success this weekend!

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to be fair i haven't scouted much. i do think there's not many birds on the farm. much of the ground has gone from corn to hay fields with little alfalfa. seems it'd be great nesting but birds just aren't there. neighboring cousins have corn so that's probably where they all are prior to breaking up and wandering.

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7 minutes ago, Pygmy said:

I'm seeing lots of stutters with hens in the green fields...Flocks are getting smaller...Also seeing more solitary hens, indicating the winter flocks are dispersing and the hens are checking out nesting areas...

Same here, I cover @200-250 miles a day in different areas around Albany for work. Last week I was seeing large winter flocks and this week small groups. 

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