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QDMA 2019 Branch President of the Year!!

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I just read a very impressive article in NY Outdoor News about one of our own being named the QDMA 2019 Branch President of the Year! Congrats Bob @Culvercreek hunt club!! I hope you don't mind me posting this, but it's such an achievement and honor, that I couldn't let it slip by unrecognized! I know you impressed and inspired so many of us with your dedication to the Field to Fork program, promoting the venison donation program, and your efforts organizing the QDMA banquets. God only knows what all you do behind the scenes too!!


You're the man Bob!!! Congrats! 

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Thank you all. I was very honored. There was a lot of effort but it really was an award for all the great volunteers that we have in our branch. We set some lofty goals and it sure isn’t a one person gig. Lots of great people. Reminds me a lot of this forum. There is so much knowledge on here with many great members.


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