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Anyone plan on predator night hunting on Long Island ?

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Small game season opened on Long Island ( Region 1) today Nov. 1st.   I am curious if anyone does any night hunting for predators here on L.I. ?   I know there are no coyotes here ( except for a rare sighting). I was planning on bow hunting red fox and racoons. This would be my first attempts at night hunting I have been doing my homework and curious if anyone else has night Hunted on Long Island and could share their  experiences and or knowledge?    

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If you are going to hunt the coop, or other DEC lands on LI . you will need to get the management access permit & check off the box for night hunting. I haven’t night hunted there in many years so I’m not sure of the rules. I’d call the DEC and ask about it before you do.

i coon hunted there, but I had coon hounds so the hunting that you want to do is substantially different . 
I have never called in a coon . I have squalled them down after they were treed, or. had them expose themselves for a shot .  Hunters have called them in , but I never could. I called in lots of red fox, but no coons .

I can’t help you with fox spots because most of my old spots won’t allow you access .  
I don’t shoot foxes, I just have called them in & photographed them , or just observed them. I’m not opposed to shooting them, I just never shot one. (they fascinate me)

I used many different mouth calls except for a couple of times in the Adirondacks and called in gray fox with a taped call.

I may not be able to help you, but you can pm me if you think I can. I am currently not in NY and may not get back to you right away, but I will when I get back(I’m doing this on a phone & am new at this Cell phone stuff & I have a computer in NY that I know how to use better)
good luck 

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