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Hunting Permission Gift?


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Need some ideas...

Landed permission for an Ohio farm. Nice elderly couple, a bit religious (no Sunday hunting on property). Meeting them this weekend to sign permission slips and tour the grounds.

I'd love to get them something nice from New York rather than picking up a local gift certificate for them to dine out, etc. Any ideas? I immediately thought of a bottle of Finger Lakes wine...but with them being a bit religious, I'm hesitant to do that. It doesn't have to be food/drink...only real requirement is that it travels well (6 hr. drive) and is available in the Rochester area.

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Well being a Maple syrup producer I have to say Pure NY State Mpale Syrup and a bag of New Hope Mills pancake mix is the way to go. I have one place in Marthas Vineyard that rents out there Mansion and guest house and they make up gift baskets of my syrup and new hope mills pancake mix and they tell me its a huge hit. Still got lots of syrup left looking for a good home lol.

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That sounds like a great Idea. The bottle of wine probably couldnt hurt. Just because they are religious, doesnt mean they dont enjoy a glass of wine. ;)

Hey if you have some syrup that needs a home, Id be more than willing to take some off your hands. I love me some real maple syrup. Shoot me over some details on how much it costs etc.

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Not to get off topic, now thats a dumb phrase since I am getting off topic lol. I am truly amazed at how many people love to barder with me for syrup. Seeing how the stuff is so expensive to buy and make I have struck some great deals over the years for my syrup. Heck this year alone I got 10 full cords of firewood for a gallon. Dont know what that guy was thinking but it was his idea lol. Syrup is a great gift and Im not just saying that cause I am a maple producer people just love the stuff more than they can afford it most times. Back to the topic...... I would personally offer them syrup as a gift and then offer them some packaged meat from any harvest you get off the land if they want or eat it. Whatever you decide just show them you are passionate about getting the permission and treat them right. Something fromt he heart you know. Something that maybe took some of your own sweat and tears to get or make. A gift certificate to me is to cheesy but thats just me. If they are religious people I think a more meaningfull gesture would go farther. Also I would put them on the christmas card list and easter card list etc to show them you indeed appreciate them letting you hunt there land. It also keeps you in touch so your not forgotten for the next guy that comes pulling in the driveway.

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The farm i hunt in delaware county is owned by an elderly man and his son. A give everyyear of a good smoked ham is well appreciated, but i like the maple syrup idea as well. And a good bottle of a fingerlakes wine even if not drunk by them is good as well... mmmm... maple smoked ham and wine dinner.....

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