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Our soldiers are Losers

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Even before President Trump was elected, there were those calling for his impeachment.  Added to that were the many false and distortions of the truth by the media and his opponents.  The false propaganda reminds me of a dark period of history.  Apparently there are those using the same play book.  Here is a prime example:
 “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
-Joseph Goebbels

Agreed but nobody lies more than trump

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I been amazed at stupidity that has spouted from his pie hole and Twitter feeds the last four years. I wouldn't put this past him at all.

I have to admit I was duped. I honestly believed a lot of the instagating and stir the pot comments from trump would tone down after his election. Not only was I wrong, it has gotten worse. He won't get my vote again.

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Then candidate Donald Trump ran on one of his platforms to “drain the swamp”.  Anyone with knowledge of Federal Grants knows it lines the pockets of many people from the “swamp” with hard earn tax payer dollars.  Then candidate Trumps desired to control such waste of tax dollars which infuriated many.  Trump was not of the political ranks having never held any political office, but was from the business world.  Simply put, Trump was an outsider with many endeavoring to keep him out of the office of the President of the United States of America. 

Fake news, distortions of the truth and personalities who cannot get their way with President Trump “publish” their complaints to the public with in some cases resulting in a big payoff from publishers.  You mess with the "swamp" there is going to be payback.

This article was published by The Atlantic, hardly a conservative news outlet:  https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/09/the-solyndra-scandal-what-it-is-and-why-it-matters/245186/

This is an example of the problem with the “swamp” where “grant money” did not help America and President Trump want to stop.

The article states “The Facts: In August 2009, White House staff repeatedly asked Office of Management and Budget (OMB) officials about the status of a $535 million loan to the solar-panel manufacturer Solyndra. Last week, the company filed for bankruptcy. Two days later, the FBI raided its offices in Delaware, refusing to discuss details of the investigation.”

  • Robert Muller was the FBI Director.  The same Director Muller who would lead the famed Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged ties between President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia.  Waste of time and waste of tax payer dollars perpetrated by a hoax.

The article states “The loan was granted by the Department of Energy (DoE) under the green-infrastructure provisions of President Obama's $787 billion stimulus bill, and OMB officials privately said they felt pressured to approve the loan prematurely. White House officials made their inquiries to OMB just weeks before Vice President Biden announced the loan at a ground-breaking ceremony in September, part of his long campaign to promote stimulus-spending projects across the country.”

  • Another failure of the Obama Administration.  Noteworthy is the fact that then Vice President Biden, who is now presidential candidate Biden was part of this “loan” that resulted in $535 million dollars of tax payer money disappearing into thin air.  Where did the money go?

The article states “The Solyndra loan request was filed during the Bush administration, and the Bush administration had already moved forward on issuing money to Solyndra, those officials said.”

  • Sounds like the same old rhetoric that “It’s Bush’s fault” as an excuse by the Obama Administration for their failures where Joseph Biden was Vice President, second in command to President Obama.
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Then candidate Donald Trump ran on one of his platforms to “drain the swamp”.  Anyone with knowledge of Federal Grants knows it lines the pockets of many people from the “swamp” with hard earn tax payer dollars.  Then candidate Trumps desired to control such waste of tax dollars which infuriated many.  Trump was not of the political ranks having never held any political office, but was from the business world.  Simply put, Trump was an outsider with many endeavoring to keep him out of the office of the President of the United States of America. 
Fake news, distortions of the truth and personalities who cannot get their way with President Trump “publish” their complaints to the public with in some cases resulting in a big payoff from publishers.  You mess with the "swamp" there is going to be payback.
This article was published by The Atlantic, hardly a conservative news outlet:  https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/09/the-solyndra-scandal-what-it-is-and-why-it-matters/245186/
This is an example of the problem with the “swamp” where “grant money” did not help America and President Trump want to stop.
The article states “The Facts: In August 2009, White House staff repeatedly asked Office of Management and Budget (OMB) officials about the status of a $535 million loan to the solar-panel manufacturer Solyndra. Last week, the company filed for bankruptcy. Two days later, the FBI raided its offices in Delaware, refusing to discuss details of the investigation.”
  • Robert Muller was the FBI Director.  The same Director Muller who would lead the famed Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged ties between President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia.  Waste of time and waste of tax payer dollars perpetrated by a hoax.
The article states “The loan was granted by the Department of Energy (DoE) under the green-infrastructure provisions of President Obama's $787 billion stimulus bill, and OMB officials privately said they felt pressured to approve the loan prematurely. White House officials made their inquiries to OMB just weeks before Vice President Biden announced the loan at a ground-breaking ceremony in September, part of his long campaign to promote stimulus-spending projects across the country.”
  • Another failure of the Obama Administration.  Noteworthy is the fact that then Vice President Biden, who is now presidential candidate Biden was part of this “loan” that resulted in $535 million dollars of tax payer money disappearing into thin air.  Where did the money go?
The article states “The Solyndra loan request was filed during the Bush administration, and the Bush administration had already moved forward on issuing money to Solyndra, those officials said.”
  • Sounds like the same old rhetoric that “It’s Bush’s fault” as an excuse by the Obama Administration for their failures where Joseph Biden was Vice President, second in command to President Obama.

Trump didn’t drain the swamp just redirected the flow to him and his friends

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Douglas Andrews

The most shocking thing about this anonymously sourced hit piece by The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg isn't its incendiary claim that President Donald Trump called our honored dead from World War I "suckers" and "losers."

No, the most shocking thing — the most jaw-dropping thing — is that Goldberg and his editors actually believed it would have its intended effect; that even a single potential Trump voter would read their hyper-partisan hatchet job and think, Welp, the president said our boys were suckers and losers, so Scranton Joe it is!

Clearly, Jeffrey's been bit by the Trump Derangement bug. And he's been watching too many old clips of CBS's Dan Rather.

But at least Rather and his "60 Minutes" crew had a source when they interfered in the 2004 election with the infamous "fake but accurate" attack on President George W. Bush. Admittedly, Rather's source was a flaky and virulent Bush hater. But, still, he was a source with an actual name — a guy whose credibility and motives could be examined. The once-proud Atlantic, though, sees fit to viciously smear this president just prior to an election without so much as a single on-the-record source.

Goldberg's use of anonymous sources is especially rich since he himself decried their use in a 2016 New York Times Magazine article that embarrassed the Obama administration. "I did not find this mention of my name amusing at all," he said, "because [the journalist who wrote the story] is making a serious, unsourced, and unsubstantiated allegation against me in an otherwise highly credible publication."

As for his own story, Goldberg claims his sources would be standing tall if it weren't for, well, social media. "They don't want to be inundated with angry tweets and all the rest," he says with a straight face.

And hacks like him wonder why grassroots Americans don't trust the media.

As always, President Trump was quick to respond. More important, though, were the witnesses — now 10 in all — who have since jumped to his defense. Said former Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney: "I never heard the President disparage our war dead or wounded. In fact, the exact opposite is true. I was with him at the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy. As we flew over the beaches by helicopter he was outwardly in awe of the accomplishments of the Allied Forces, and the sacrifices they paid."

Not even Trump-hating John Bolton believes The Atlantic. "I didn't hear either of those comments or anything even resembling them," he said. "I was there at the point in time that morning when it was decided that he would not go Aisne-Marne cemetery. He decided not to do it because of John Kelly's recommendation. It was entirely a weather-related decision, and I thought the proper thing to do. I never heard he made that kind of comment about another country's forces either, no."

Bolton also asserted that if the president had said he didn't want to visit Aisne-Marne because the interred heroes were "losers" and "suckers," he would have written an entire chapter about it in his book. Enough said.

Time was when a publication like The Atlantic could get away with using anonymous sources. This is how former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein tried to justify it — by trying to compare the Atlantic's piece to the Watergate reporting he and Bob Woodward did nearly half a century ago. "That's the only way to do this," he said. "And we must continue in the press to do our reporting day by day by day because that's how we know who this president — what this presidency really is. The fake news is the president's news. We're doing the real reporting."

But that was then, and this is now. When Woodward and Bernstein were blazing the trail for a new generation of advocacy journalists, most Americans still trusted the Fourth Estate. These days, however, 55% of us don't trust reporters. And why should we? A 2017 Harvard study found CNN and NBC's coverage of President Trump to be an astounding 93% negative, with CBS, The New York Times, and The Washington Post following close behind.

As for the awfulness of this particular story, even the first lady felt compelled to weigh in. "The Atlantic story is not true," she tweeted. "It has become a very dangerous time when anonymous sources are believed above all else, & no one knows their motivation. This is not journalism — It is activism. And it is a disservice to the people of our great nation."


Judge Jeanine Pirro slams the lies here:


Edited by Grouse
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Two pre-election stories. 

I was at a fancy event at the Pierre and the group I was with started talking about the election when I suggested that Clinton was running a poor campaign and Trump has a chance. They laughed.

A couple of weeks later, I was in the Washington home of a friend who reps a nameless internet giant there and I commented that I only see Trump signs outside of NYC on my way upstate, and that people seem to be like what he is saying. He laughed and offered me more whisky. 

I wish I was a betting man. 

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1 hour ago, left field said:

Two pre-election stories. 

I was at a fancy event at the Pierre and the group I was with started talking about the election when I suggested that Clinton was running a poor campaign and Trump has a chance. They laughed.

A couple of weeks later, I was in the Washington home of a friend who reps a nameless internet giant there and I commented that I only see Trump signs outside of NYC on my way upstate, and that people seem to be like what he is saying. He laughed and offered me more whisky. 

I wish I was a betting man. 

Bet on him again...just sayin

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On 9/7/2020 at 12:09 PM, Trial153 said:

I been amazed at stupidity that has spouted from his pie hole and Twitter feeds the last four years. I wouldn't put this past him at all.

I have to admit I was duped. I honestly believed a lot of the instagating and stir the pot comments from trump would tone down after his election. Not only was I wrong, it has gotten worse. He won't get my vote again.

I admit that Trump is an egotistical blowhard. But given the choices this election, there is no question who will get my vote. Trump.

Do you really think that voting for the socialist left is better for guys like us? If so, how?

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33 minutes ago, grampy said:


Do you really think that voting for the socialist left is better for guys like us? If so, how?

This is the question i ask everyone that supports Biden and i never get an answer. Trump acts like a petulant child and says some really idiotic things.....BUT, he isn't going to raise my taxes, take away my 2nd ammendment rights, appoint left wing judges, he stands up for the police and the American way of life, speaks out against the protests, wants school choice (which will probably be too late for my daughter). 

There is a reason that these democrats aren't speaking out against all these protests, police chiefs stepping down etc. Its because these are their supporters. If that isn't reason enough, i don't know what would be.....I have nothing in common with BLM, Antifa and all these other left wing wacko groups and a Vote for Biden is a support for these groups. Period!

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2 minutes ago, ApexerER said:

This is the question i ask everyone that supports Biden and i never get an answer. Trump acts like a petulant child and says some really idiotic things.....BUT, he isn't going to raise my taxes, take away my 2nd ammendment rights, appoint left wing judges, he stands up for the police and the American way of life, speaks out against the protests, wants school choice (which will probably be too late for my daughter). 

There is a reason that these democrats aren't speaking out against all these protests, police chiefs stepping down etc. Its because these are their supporters. If that isn't reason enough, i don't know what would be.....I have nothing in common with BLM, Antifa and all these other left wing wacko groups and a Vote for Biden is a support for these groups. Period!

This is exactly how I feel too. Thank You!

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On ‎9‎/‎8‎/‎2020 at 11:03 AM, airedale said:

How Soon Some Forget

Great video.....Now wouldn't you think that the media would have learned their lesson about posting poll results or would be more selective about results they report on.

Instead they start right up again with the same old crap expecting people to buy it again.

Just another example of biased reporting and I for one hope this time the results are the same.

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15 minutes ago, Steve D said:

Now wouldn't you think that the media would have learned their lesson about posting poll results or would be more selective about results they report on.

Instead they start right up again with the same old crap expecting people to buy it again.

As Yogi would say "It's Deja Vu all over again."


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I admit that Trump is an egotistical blowhard. But given the choices this election, there is no question who will get my vote. Trump.
Do you really think that voting for the socialist left is better for guys like us? If so, how?

I don’t believe a vote for Biden is a vote for socialism. He is by far the most middle
Candidate we have had in a while.

It is propaganda Brain washing that has lead people to believe he is socialist

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This is the question i ask everyone that supports Biden and i never get an answer. Trump acts like a petulant child and says some really idiotic things.....BUT, he isn't going to raise my taxes, take away my 2nd ammendment rights, appoint left wing judges, he stands up for the police and the American way of life, speaks out against the protests, wants school choice (which will probably be too late for my daughter). 
There is a reason that these democrats aren't speaking out against all these protests, police chiefs stepping down etc. Its because these are their supporters. If that isn't reason enough, i don't know what would be.....I have nothing in common with BLM, Antifa and all these other left wing wacko groups and a Vote for Biden is a support for these groups. Period!

Biden has spoken out against rioters, how ever no one should speak out against protesters. That is pretty much the most un American thing you can do

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41 minutes ago, Chef said:

I don’t believe a vote for Biden is a vote for socialism. He is by far the most middle
Candidate we have had in a while.

It is propaganda Brain washing that has lead people to believe he is socialist

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Not sure of Biden’s platform as he keeps changing what mind he has left against fracking than pro fracking for example and  is working with aoc, sanders, and Beto to write policy’s. He is far from the middle you can’t honestly believe he is the most middle candidate even in this race.

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