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Syracuse.com - Attention CNY birders: Grab those binoculars

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The longest running Citizen Science survey in the world, Audubon’s annual Christmas Bird Count, begins this Wednesday and lasts to Jan. 5.

The longest running Citizen Science survey in the world, Audubon’s annual Christmas Bird Count, begins this Wednesday and lasts to Jan. 5.

Tens of thousands of volunteers throughout North America are expected to participate and add a new layer to more than a century of collected data about birds.

Scientists rely on the data collected by participants to better understand how birds are faring in North America and beyond. This family-oriented activity plays a critical role in helping ornithologists focus attention and conservation efforts where it is most needed. In 2009, it brought attention to changing bird populations due to climate change.

It also reveals success stories. The Christmas Bird County has helped document the comeback of the previously endangered bald eagle, and significant increases in waterfowl populations -- both the result of conservation efforts.

The Audubon Christmas Bird Count began in 1900 when Frank Chapman, founder of Bird Love (which later evolved into Audubon Magazine), suggested an alternative to the “side hunt,” in which teams competed to see who could shoot the most game, including birds.

To participate in the Christmas Bird Count, see the Audubon Web site.

View the full article on The Syracuse Outdoors Blog

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