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What happened t my spell check?


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If the spell check was left on ----- a lot of folks wouldn't be able to post !

Sum foks jes cain't spail !

Try spelling a word wrong on purpose and see if you get a wavy red line under that word .

The doog wint pe on da rugg. How's that? No red lines.


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All I know is that when I spell a word wrong , a red line appears under that word but if I post it , the red line doesn't show in the post ( only in the draft ) .

Eddie, when I get the red line I know I spelled it wrong. But how do we correct it?
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Just figured the spell check thing out. I have a Apple lap top with Firefox installed . So now when the red line appears under a word i just put the cursed on the word Hold down the control button and hit the right side of the touch pad. Then the options appear and you just pick the word you want to replace the underlined in red word. Of course I didn't figure it out myself.

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