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Gun owners in NYC

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A buddy's father who has had his guns registered for years with nypd received a letter the other day. It stated if he had any guns that held 5 or more shells must be sold ,brought into the nypd or destroyed and proof that they were either of the above. Has anyone else that lives in the city heard of this crap going on? What a joke this city has become! Just let the criminals take it over.

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Haven't had it happen to me but a local gun shop owner told me it happened to one of his clients. The poor fellow had to bring the gun in and have the gunsmith modify it so that it only accepts five rounds. A shame since the gun was supposively a family heirloom passed down and was a classic. (forgot to ask what model) This is a concern to me as well since I already paid for a Henry Lever Action and it's on backorder.

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Elmo, might want to change or cancel your order before it arrives. The fact that it's now illegal should force the dealer to be OK with this. City might not let you register it anyway and you'll take a hit reselling it cause now it's used even if you never open the box. Might also want to move to Nassau or Suffolk. Not being funny, it's nice to live somewhere you still have rights. My car got broken into in the city and when I told the cop a pocket knife had been stolen he acted like he wanted to arrest me. Asking why I needed a knife. I explained first I wasn't carrying it and I used it to cut rope when I tie stuff on the roof. I use it when I go camping.

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I plan on using my Henry as a plinking gun. If they force me to modify it to only hold five rounds, I might as well get rid of the gun. Have you seen how you load a Henry Lever Action? Pain in the butt!

Dont register it and keep it at "A friends house upstate" ;)

Edited by DTG3k
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Few guys that I have spoken to in the past that live within the city limits never bother to register their rifles / shotguns.

The only problem with this is that a lot of bigger stores wont sell a NYC resident a gun unless they show the papers. Like Dicks and Gander Mountain. Also NYPD sends people to check Long Island gun store sales records and if NYC residents bought one out there they can expect a knock on the door.

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But it isn't illegal to own...just possess in NYC --Right?. What if it is at a relatives upstate home or at a camp upstate? or even in another state. How could they possibly know?

You are absolutely right. It is illegal to store it in NYC. Keeping it upstate is perfectly acceptable. And if the cops show up and ask about it. You tell them exactly that(even if its a lie).

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I suggest writing a letter to the NRA, I don't know if it's gonna do anything but I did. This a-hole of a mayor shouldn't be able to do this to people that are trying to play by the rules. It costs a small fortune to get a permit in the city and to renew it every year and then get told the guns you had for years are illegal, bite me. What's next, got to modify your guns to shoot rubber bullets.

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I suggest writing a letter to the NRA, I don't know if it's gonna do anything but I did. This a-hole of a mayor shouldn't be able to do this to people that are trying to play by the rules. It costs a small fortune to get a permit in the city and to renew it every year and then get told the guns you had for years are illegal, bite me. What's next, got to modify your guns to shoot rubber bullets.

Someone brought this up before on another forum. To sum it up shortly, the NRA basically told him that NYC is too much of a pain in the ass, and that they (NRA) must pick and choose their battles. Fighting Bloomberg would probably bankrupt the NRA.
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