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grinder stuffer


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Dont use a butt-out tool as a grinder stuffer.  I broke the tip off and that cost me a hamburg or so, as I had to take the grinder apart and clean it out before continuing.  I threw out a little meat because I didn't want to feed the plastic chips to our kids.  A wood hammer handle works a lot better.

It was pretty easy to reform the point on the butt-out with a file.  Hopefully, I will be able to use it again for it's intended purpose on a doe or two yet this season.  It worked good on my buck and yes I did wash it prior to trying it as a grinder stuffer.


Edited by wolc123
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  • 2 months later...

Unfortunately, I did not get any more chances to try out the grinder/file modified butt-out for its regular intended usage last year.  Late ML season was not productive for me.  Maybe full-inclusion of crossbow will pass this year, in which case it could happen on October 1.

Our burger supply is holding out ok, despite the little bit I chucked due to the orange plastic contamination.  I am thankful to still have all my finger tips anyhow.


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