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Scope ring loose ?


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10 hours ago, suburbanfarmer said:

I am even scared to look at measly reserve to think about shooting firearms weekly. :( Plus none in the market to back fill it. I have always bought new and shot old.

But to OP , shoot your crossbow and make sure its all good still.

Bow is alot cheaper for sure.  I buy ammo by the case and expensive stuff i just shoot a 3 round group or even check my gun on a shot while walking back to the car.

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  • 3 months later...

as long as you tighten down the screws evenly it should change poi.Dont forget the loc-tight blue NOT RED when you put the screws back and only do one @ a time.I've done it with a rifle and use the a laser bore sight to make sure i tightened the screws evenly the target was only a few feet away but it was the best i could do for my friend who found out on a hunt in Alberta. Its the worst feeling in the world especially when your traveling that something goes awry with your weapon be it a bow or gun.I spent alot of time on the range dead on 200 yds and 100 yds  only to find when i got to the outfitter and sighted in the scope was all over the place, so maybe someone working for the airline manhandled the case [hey flying i was just happy to get all my luggage lol].I didnt take a chance i took the scope off and shot with iron sights .

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  • 4 months later...

this is long and dead topic but Culver had it right months ago. it's just the threaded ring for sunshade. some scopes of same manufacturer share the same scope bodies but one has more features than the next. tighted up by hand like luberhill did and he should've been or should still be good. no change in POI.

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