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Where are all the White Supremacists?

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President Donald Trump increased his 2016 percentage of the minority vote — up 6% among black men, 5% among black women, 4% among Hispanic men, and 7% among Asian voters. Hispanic women stayed the same.

In order to explain away this impossible contradiction of minorities voting for Trump, progressives are forced to create a mythology where anyone who is evil is "white."

After all, it must be a desire for "whiteness," a desire to persecute others, that leads a minority to pledge fealty to the Bad Orange Man. It couldn't possibly be because they supported and benefited from the Trump policies that led to the lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rate in U.S. history, or the five-fold increase in per capita income over the Barack Obama years. And it couldn't be because Trump made America safer by cracking down on illegal immigration and reducing the flow of drug mules, gang members, and sex traffickers across the southern border. Or due to his investment of billions of dollars in Opportunity Zones in poor minority neighborhoods. Or because he pushed and signed criminal justice reform.

No, leftists say, it's because these misguided minorities want to be white at any cost, even selling their souls.

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