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Study estimates one-third of white-tailed deer in the northeastern US have antibodies against the coronavirus


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One-third of white-tailed deer in the north-eastern United States have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 — a sign that they have been infected with the virus.



Forget about trying to control the virus.  It's out of control and no amount of masking or vaccine doses is going to end it.  The only hope you have is to get it, live through it and allow your natural immune system to keep you alive.


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12 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Imagine if the Democrat Governors in these NE states decide to cancel the hunting seasons this fall.

If those knuckleheads could come up with any correlation of Deer having transmitted covid to Humans they would try to do just that. You can bet the animal rights organizations (who are in bed with the Democratic party) would be looking to see if it is a possibility, they are always looking for an opening to curb hunting in any way they can.


Edited by airedale
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38 minutes ago, blackbeltbill said:

Gov Murphy in Jersey has cancelled the Black Bear  Hunt again.


I follow this a little as we have hunting family there. This was a campaign promise of Murphy. He cancelled it on state lands last year, but now their management plan has recently expired and he has stalled the new plan creation with non-cooperation. Their state charter says they can't have any hunt without a policy in place. So it's a cowardly way of doing it IMHO. He promised he would do exactly that if he got elected and he's keeping his promise.

I guess they got what they voted for, just like we did with boob-grabbing Andy and his SAFE act.

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40 minutes ago, airedale said:

If those knuckleheads could come up with any correlation of Deer having transmitted covid to Humans they would try to do just that. You can bet the animal rights organizations (who are in bed with the Democratic party) would be looking to see if it is a possibility, they are always looking for an opening to curb hunting in any way they can.


This is my fear..... trying to correlate covid to our game meat and saying it's going to transmit to us.  Then it's an emergency to stop us hunters!!!  

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1 hour ago, Steuben Jerry said:

but now their management plan has recently expired and he has stalled the new plan creation with non-cooperation. Their state charter says they can't have any hunt without a policy in place. So it's a cowardly way of doing it IMHO. 

This is exactly what Corzine did.  Christie got elected, allowed bear hunting for all and solved the problems bears were creating.  Now idiot Murphy will bring all the problems back.  People living in the bear areas are pissed again.

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Looks like the leftist crazies have found a way to get rid of those methane producing dairy cows, angus, etc. Lets see...the deer wander/mingle in the same fields that cows do, so if the virus transmits from deer to domestic meat supply....bye bye burgers. What a plan. tofu for everyone....

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Given the social nature of deer it is not surprising to me that once the virus managed to cross over to that species that it would spread quickly.  The obvious question would seem to be how did that happen?  More reason to get vaccinated, in my opinion.  And are other species being tested?

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