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Why Do You Hunt???


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10 minutes ago, DirtTime said:

You do realize there are a lot more people out there hunting then the members on here right? Yes, there are some people who still hunt to put food on the table, and in some cases they have too. Those type of people probably don't have internet as they probably can't afford it, so they aren't on web forums worrying about rack size. To them the only rack that counts are of the brestesus kind.

Yes lol .I don’t live in a closet lol .My cousins were dirt poor growing up on the reservation ,also had cousins that grew up dirt poor in the hills of the Southern Tier .Even as poor as they were ,never depended on deer meat .I think the people who depend on it these days ,are very low .Too many programs out there giving free food away constantly.People don’t work for their food like they used to.

Edited by WNYTRPR
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I started trapping way before I started hunting  .I grew up visiting my grandparents on the Seneca reservation.Fur always  intrigued me .Many years after I started trapping ,my cousins got me into deer hunting .

For a few years I started off gun hunting .Then I realized how much better bow was .Realized what I was missing .

I think the part about it being in our DNA holds true .From Oct till almost May I’m either Trapping or Hunting .


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I think trophy hunters get DMPs because they would rather take a doe for meat than a small buck.  They prefer to let the bucks grow for a few years.  They would rather take a doe and then continue to hunt for a big buck, then take a small buck for meat.  But I'm sure there are also trophy hunters that never apply for DMPs at all.

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