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Year end (season) review


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Any members want to share a review of their season? Yeah, I know the season doesn't end for a month, but for most, it is done tomorrow.


Here's mine:


Practiced with the bow the least in 25 yrs and was not as excited as I usually am heading into the season. At the start, I hoped to find a unique buck with 1 side turned down that I had passed on last year. I hunted less frequently than usual and never saw the buck I was after.


I was fortunate to kill 2 bucks this year, a first for me. I may yet go out in January, as I still have 2 doe tags. We'll see. If I don't, it was still a great year for me.


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I couldn’t review until today, but I would rate this past deer season as my best ever.  A big part of that was getting to meet you, and a several other forum members. 

Sharing that warm cider with my family, during the hurricane near-miss out on Long Island, meant a lot to us, and is something we will always remember and be thankful for.  

Goose set me up with a fine double tree stand, at a very reasonable price.  I haven’t killed one from it yet, but it was very comfortable, the two times that I hunted from it, and I am sure that a day will come when I will.  

Patrick set me up with a fine deer heart, after he read on here about my distress over the one that I lost up in the Adirondacks last October.  I probably lost 5 pounds, walking up and down that steep mountain looking for that heart. 

Larry replenished my supply of t7 pellets and primers, when the supply in the local stores had dried up completely and I was running low mid-way thru the Holiday muzzleloader season. 

And then there were those glorious rule changes that the NY state DEC enacted this year, and which helped keep me safe (orange hat or vest law), and directly contributed towards each of the (4) deer in our freezer. 

Most importantly of all, the Good Lord blessed us with plenty of meat to make it thru another year, without too much store-bought chicken.   My wife is extra thankful for not just one, but two of her favorites (button bucks). 

I was very happy to finally get the old Adirondack doe, that has eluded me for several years.

Special highlights for me last season, were finally getting a nice buck on my grandpa’s old farm, with his old shotgun, and breaking a 5-deer slump with my in-line ML, with two consecutive DRT kills.  

I may have had a better season, but I really can’t remember when.  Here’s to hoping we all have seasons like that, or better this year.


Edited by wolc123
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My biggest takeaways of the season. 

1- stop trying to put a square peg in a round hole. After the first 14 days of gun season I am moving onto duck hunting. We just can't compete with the local AG at that point and sitting out in the woods for nothing while ducks fly overhead is stupidity. So next year hoping the ponds are open in early Dec like this year

2- hopefully less rain. Started some small kill plots and frost seeding last year and one was gone and eaten and the other got flooded out. Gonna step that up next season a bit and more frost seeding which was very successful

3- lost my best spot last year and have focused now in this one and I was surprised how happy I was with that.  Just concentrated on this one property and put more into it and enjoyed it. And saw deer on most sits.  It's a tougher spot with lots of swamp but put a deer in the freezer, passed a bunch of does and saw a couple of good ones but no shot. 

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This deer season was good for me. 

Going into season I had some nice bucks on camera. I was able to spend more time in the woods this year then the last couple. Had a few good outings with my father, who hasn't gone far from the house the last 3 seasons due to stage 4 cancer. This year he was out with me a couple hundred acres deep.

I gained access to another 180 acres after gutting a neighbor's deer for him. I got a buck with the crossbow,  and got a buck with the muzzleloader. Had several encounters with other deer, had 2 different encounters with bears, shot a coyote opening day with bow.

The 2 negatives of the season were the unexpected passing of my mother in law,  and a dandy of a buck I shot during regular season that I didn't recover. 

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