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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by skyhunter

  1. The "principle" we are discussing is that you must use a bow to bowhunt. A bow, legally defined as "long,recurve, or compound" by NYS. You are whining that we should change the rules and definitions to allow crossbows. That would violate the very principles of bowhunting. So......I am opposed to crossbows in bow season based upon principle. First off your prior "principle" was lazy guys looking for a shortcut. I easily defeated that argument with the slob compound hunter, so now you change your story and your "principle" to what defines a bow. I guess if your other arguments keep falling flat on their face look for another. Either way still cannibalistic to your fellow hunters.Your principle of what defines a bow, like you, will also soon go down in flames as the crossbow will be added to the NY definition section of the hunting syllabus under "Definitions" of Bow. Other states have have successfully updated these definitions in the past, therefore New York and the NYB's will no longer continue to have their own self serving definition of what defines a bow. You will lose on that as well so prepare yourself for the "apocalypse" that has happened elsewhere. Funny how you again avoid answering what has happened and how the sky has fallen in other states where crossbow hunting has been going on for years. What's up with that, and why don't you answer and tell us all of the ills that would certainly befall New York should we join the ranks of Ohio. What say you on that one? Can you say cannibal?
  2. no doubt about it, this deer was interested in taking a closer look at that light going off.
  3. second picture is real cool. It's ashame they're doing damage to your stuff.
  4. got these over the last few weeks in Pine Bush and Middletown, NY. Not bad for a commercial cam. The infrared flash sometimes captures a unique photo when it fires at dusk and dawn when there is decent light available and the unit is still firing in night mode. Check it out; last picture; infrared is kinda unique.
  5. Uh oh, another camera nut,lol! ??? I like to make adjustments to my trail cam pics too. Still need to find a way to make the racks grow in real life to post prossesing proportions! Food for thought; thanks! ;D ;D ;D
  6. That's funny, Some here are so anti they admit to starting/participating in a campaign to create fear among the non hunting recreational public with imagined, irrational, non factual tales of a new physical danger to them if crossbows are included in the archery season. They cannot back these tactics with one bit of proof or they and the NYB's would be doing so and shouting it from the rooftops. Lying and fearmongering are about as low principled as one get get. Doing so shows their true colors. They're Cannibals! plain and simple to understand. Sadly, those are their true colors.
  7. Funny how you forgot to include in that response what happened in those states? Hum, wonder why?
  8. I practice over 200 days a year and am good out to 50 with my compound. Am I the "too lazy to learn / whiner" that you speak of because I would like another choice as I grow old? A guy that buys a compound and rarely if ever practices (you know the type), but still goes right ahead and picks it up the day of the bow season opener; now he kinda blows a big hole in your "to lazy to learn " "principle", doesn't he?
  9. Here we have another exclusionist with that old tired worn out gloom and doom mentality (sounds like a liberal), who believes the "sky has fallen" in states where the crossbow has been legal for decades. Yep, I see your point. Those hikers, campers, bikers, etc got tired of ducking arrows over there, so now they just stay home.Do you even know how ignorant that is? Hunters who favor exclusion of other hunters? You guys might be right though; they would just shoot up the place. Hasn't that happened in the other states? You guys are priceless!
  10. this is where your argument falls flat. I have waited for them to be well within my range and still at times not made the shot that I would have hoped for. Lots of things can happen that result in bad hits and unrecovered game including shooter error and animals moving before the arrow arrives.To make the point that waiting for an animal to be within your range validates shooting a less efficient bow is not logical , but I believe the choice of what bow you want to hunt with should be yours. Face it, this is a less than perfect sport as all sports are, where success and failure can be measured by fractions of inches. A technologically advanced bow that enables the hunter to: 1) be more accurate 2) be more consistent 3) make fewer bad hits, and 4) recover more game my logic says that's a good thing, while you have the other side saying shooting a less efficient bow is better since it is more challenging. Like I said before, I have had unrecoverd game at short range shots and I practice over 200 days a year and can shoot spot on out to 50 yards. In the real world of bow hunting where anything can go wrong no matter the distance of the shot, this quote has no merit. Nor does the mindset that technologically advanced bows that can lead to more efficient shooting ability resulting in quick clean kills, is somehow a bad thing? Well, this mindset is just plain backwards logic.Technology good; just say it; you can do it. I'm sure a lot of wounded deer would rather you shoot them with a crossbow over a recurve; I know I would. Then again by what I have seen guys call shooting "good enough" with their bows, i'll go with the longbow, recurve and compounds. Crossbows tend to kill very quickly and we all know that can't be good.
  11. and what part of NY is that? It appears you have done a very good job; sell any hunts? ;D
  12. here is a great pic posted on page 1 by Lawdwaz that needed a little help with the exposure. A lot of the commericial cams don't get it right but they are getting better.
  13. man "G", where are you getting pics of these huge bucks; or is a secret. I wouldn't blame ya for keeping it quiet. Amesome picture.
  14. A "bow" is a short to medium range weapon that launches a projectile with the energy stored in the limbs of the "bow". I have 3 types (compound, crossbow, recurve) and practice with each. When it comes to making an accurate shot on a game animal I am confident with the compound and crossbow. Recurve?; not so much. But I guess according to you " keep it more primitive " boys the compound qualifies while the crossbow does not, and the recurve is way cool primitive and certainly belongs. Well here is the way my logic works. Though I am well practiced with my Hoyt Dorado recurve out to 20 yards, I am very hesitant to hunt and take a shot with it at a deer. Why, you might ask? Because I know for a fact that my accuracy and consistency with that bow pales in comparison with my compound and crossbow. When you consider that I have lost animals when shooting my compound even at common bowhunting distances, why the heck would I want to increase the probability of making a bad hit and consequently losing that animal. For the challenge; right? Yea, I can see that. Ah heck why not? So I might lose a few before I finally make a killing shot and find one; this is bowhunting; it's suppossed to be tough. Right? Well you might say bowhunting is about the challenge of shooting a primitive weapon in the first place. First off, compounds aren't primitive. Secondly, for me it's about increasing my chance of recovering the game animals I shoot at. For me, the bow that can achieve the highest recovery rate is the most ethical. For me, the bow that increases the chance that bambi is running through that school yard with an arrow sticking out of her neck, is the least ethical. That's why I have yet to pull the trigger with my recuve. Yea I might eventually get one some day and be able to say I got one with a recuve, but at what cost? I presently will still favor my compound over my crossbow when given a choice, but that could certainly change as I grow older. I have three different types of bows to shoot, and for me it's a fairly simple concept that a bow that has the potential to achieve consistent accuracy also increases recovery rates. I kinda feel that is a good thing for the sport of bowhunting. Bambi, arrow in neck; not so much.
  15. I have been holding out for years until I see something that looks as if it will be an improvement over what I currently shoot ( Bowtech 2007 Allegiance). For the past 4 years I haven't seen anyhthing out there that will be a marked improvement that would justify a new purchase. That is until this year. Well I''m glad I waited as Bowtech has now developed a 7" brace bow that has the grip positioned ahead of the pivot point of the limbs. The bow is rated at 343 IBO and the riser design should reduce torque as compared to other 7" brace height bows. The "Invasion" is due any day at my dealer. If this compound bow is all the geometry says it should be , we should have a very fast bow that is also very forgiving. Looks like a winner.
  16. G Man, nice cudde pics you got there. Matt caught some beauties as well.
  17. some of my best from this winter: homebrews Sony P41 and S600. The last deer looks like a good buck.
  18. Oh where to start? Matt, I clicked your link. Some beautiful stuff there; thanks.
  19. I hear Cabelas is marketing an aplication for smart phones. http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1444823&highlight=cabelas
  20. I got these pictures a few weeks ago over the frozen creek behind my house. Kinda looks like a Justin Beaver. lol. . . ;D
  21. Thanks all; happy to be here. Sorry I went a little hard and heavy with that post, but in our world where inclusion is vital, the exclusionary mindset really gets to me.Not that it should matter any in this debate, but I also shoot a Hoyt Dorado recurve bow.
  22. very nice winter scene. snow is not that deep yet, so for now they appear to be doing fine.
  23. heck of a buck; persevere my friend and good luck!
  24. I don't see the pedicles that would be indicative of a buck that had dropped.
  25. nice sharp pictures with that Cuddeback unit.
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