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  1. Teddi was tasked as a platoon Sargeant for Alpha Company at Beast ( West Points boot camp). Here is a picture of her in formation. She is to the right. It's a 6 week boot camp she stays for the first three weeks and then moves on to an internship at Homeland Security in Manhattan. Again thanks for all the support!
    10 points
  2. My latest in a long line of Airedales, hopefully he will provide me with many years of good all around small game hunting and take over as my yard dog for old Harleigh who is getting up in years but still darn effective as she killed a skunk the other night, "PHEW!! Al
    7 points
  3. Today , June 30 makes 62 years that the love of my life and I have been married for 62 tears . My wife is soooo lucky !
    7 points
  4. Several hours ago
    6 points
  5. Enjoy the day with family, friends, be safe and remember them!
    5 points
  6. Remember all the Trump haters who brought us to this point! May you all rot in hell!
    4 points
  7. I have no cameras, but I do quite a bit of early scouting for both Deer and small game and it is usually combined with other activities like stump shooting with one of my recurves or plinking with one of my air guns. Also a good time to get my dogs in the woods and do some training. I go along observing mast crops and game trails along with finding other game sign, I just like being in the woods taking a walk and see what is out there, it is good for the soul. Al
    4 points
  8. While entering an auditorium to give a campaign speech in Milwaukee in 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was shot at point blank range. The bullet passed thru his eyeglass case and the folds of his speech. Despite pleas from staffers to go to the hospital, TR refused and with a bullet lodged in his chest and blood trickling down his shirt gave a 90 minute speech with no microphone or speakers. He apologized to supporters for not speaking louder as he had just been shot. Theodore Roosevelt, the original badass.
    4 points
  9. We've seen small rattlesnakes along the escarpment in Lockport, central Niagara County. Heard of sittings in the Alabama. Swamps in Genesee County. They could have been Gopher snakes too, which look similar, but I wasn't sticking around to find out.
    4 points
  10. My biggest fear is they will convince sleepy Joe to drop out and then everyone votes for the replacement because it's not Trump. I hear they are trying to get Michelle Obama in. He was the worst first lady ever! We all need to pray that Joe stays in it.
    4 points
  11. Picture is not great but on my jog this morning I ran into a big doe with triplets!
    4 points
  12. Awesome post! Just finishing up this hunting blind for two people to hunt from. Kid and adult. I've mentored a few times and those were my trophy moments. That stand goes in my favorite spot on the property. When down ther and finished I'll share the name of it!!!
    3 points
  13. You got to love Fenix Ammunition Co !
    3 points
  14. Hit the range this morning to make sure two of my air rifles are shooting to the point of aim, also my Remington 597 22 mag was checked for zero. A couple of new gadgets being tested this summer and so far I have been impressed with both. First is the Garmin Xero chronograph, this this is as advertised and a game changer, no more screwing around shooting through sky screens or hooking up any wires. You just set beside you gun and concentrate on your shooting and the Garmin does the rest. I also acquired a 12 volt air gun pump and the same can be said for it, fills your PCP guns easily, you can take it on the go with a battery or use it with a house plug adapter, either way it works like a charm and beats the hell out of a hand pump. These modern air rifles are serious and shoot great, the left target is the Gamo swarm break barrel, the right was the Benjamin p rod at 30 yards. the woodchuck was at 100 for the 22 mag. Both the Swarm and P rod clocked at slightly over 600 fps with heavy lead pellets, the maggie was right where she was supposed to be at about 1950 fps. Let the good times roll!
    3 points
  15. I've just been granted access to an additional 50 acres which is alongside a 360 acre Wildlife Manage Area (4B) ! I requested to put up a Ladder Stand and been given the " Go Ahead " .... yippee ! I'm going to take my ATV for a ride there in the next couple days , do some scouting and if I see any trace of activity I'll be setting up a Trail Cam !
    3 points
  16. Kamala???? We will be a third world country before her first 100 days! She was a political tool herself. A "black" woman to win votes. The "sheep" will do whatever they are told and it would wind up either her or Michelle. America would be doomed. Trump is our last chance to save our country. If he does not get in, it will effectively be Obama's fourth term and we all remember how hell bent he was on destroying America. He is too damn close. We NEED Joe to stay in it.
    3 points
  17. It's been closer to 8 years of hate mongering and brain washing of the self loathing malcontents, misfits, marxists, and mentally ill, by the Elite political class who are desperate to maintain their power, with the full support of a complicit media. @First-light As to why they did not run, in my opinion, aside from the obvious effects of shock, surprise, confusion, and fight, flight, and freeze, seeing Trump stand up and raise his fist to give comfort to his supporters that he was alive and still with them, still fighting for them after being shot, says it all. The type of people you see attending these pro America rallies appear to be cut of the same patriotic fiber as those who have been called upon so many times before to protect it, as evidenced by the immediate chants of USA, USA, when he stood. Even in the face of life threatening crisis, he will not abandon them, and they clearly will not abandon him!
    3 points
  18. Did this yesterday. Neighbor lended me the Disc. I killed it a few days ago. Disc worked pretty good. That will be a clover plot.
    3 points
  19. Well it won't be long before the new paper tags make their debut, I get the lifetime license in the mail and have to sign up online for the bow and muzzleloader tags. I t will be interesting to see how smooth the rollout is. Al
    2 points
  20. On my jog I ran into 2 hens and about 20 Poults! Been a real long time for seeing that. Pictures not great. They all flew off to another field.
    2 points
  21. My condolences. They take a piece of our soul when they pass, but they leave memories for us to cherish. SJC
    2 points
  22. What we need to do is to help convince sleepy Joe to stay in the race. Even his own party thinks he doesn't stand a chance. They will have to resort to trying to steal the election (again). In other news... I heard that they passed a law that only American citizens can vote in a Presidential election. Why wasn't this the case from the time of George Washington?? Anyway, I guess this blows the open border up in their faces What they need to include is: you must be alive, no mail in ballots (unless you are in the military and out of the country), photo ID at the polling station. The only violence I wish towards the dems is that someone would slap some common sense into them.
    2 points
  23. The " hate promoters" in this country have to be held accountable. Their on news networks, talk shows, and especially in the Biden administration. The left will do what ever it takes to promote their adenda. Tear this country apart, if need be. They have nothing else left. Companies that sponsor this sort of tactic can be financial influenced to change their motives. We as Americans can take the steps to turn this country around. We should have never let it get this way. Alot of hard work needs to be done. I'm counting on us. I know we can do it.
    2 points
  24. And there it is. It was SOOOO predictable. How was it possible for a shooter to get on a roof within rifle range? Answer: He was ALLOWED to get up there. Now I predict the Democrats will call for MARTIAL LAW and start to shut us all down, or kill us.
    2 points
  25. I believe the video was geared to show who and what kills adult Turkeys, large raptors, Fox, Coyotes and Bobcats seem to be the main culprits according to this guy. Coyotes and Fox along with Skunks, Coon, Possums and Crows will take nest eggs when the opportunity arises. Al
    2 points
  26. Have a great forth all. Al
    2 points
  27. Yeah, I understand your dislike of snakes. I don't mind if I can see them from a distance, but they always seem to wait until I am almost stepping on them before they take off. That always freaks me out. There is one snake that I encourage, and that is a black snake. I was told that they go after rattlesnakes and they eat rats and mice. They also seem to be quite docile. Grass snakes are tolerable. Water snakes are too darn aggressive for my liking. But for the most part, I take a "live and let live" attitude toward all snakes and deal with them as little as possible.
    2 points
  28. The whole idea of this change was to make it easier for hunters to obtain a license to get out faster.. More Internal Intelligence failures on the horizon.
    2 points
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