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  1. Past hour
  2. Looks Great, Good luck using it.
  3. Happy Birthday and have a great day!
  4. Awesome. Good luck with it.
  5. Looks great! Be nice once those Nov winds and cold arrive!
  6. Today
  7. So we have been feeling good about Trump's chances in the up and coming election, for a long time. Well, I am not so over-confident. I am noting that while some individual topical polls may look overwhelming in favor of Trump, I still have to wonder why some of them are so close, especially the over-all general population polls. I personally have a problem understanding how anybody could vote against Trump. It causes me to wonder what exactly is wrong with those people who are in the corner of giggling Kamala and those who were ready to vote for wacky Joe. It kind of shakes a persons faith in the way so many voters think. People seem to treat elections as "popularity contests" instead of looking at the issues and capabilities. Who do you LIKE instead of who can do the job. I cannot maintain a confident attitude that things will work out the way common sense would tell you they should. All I can say is, do not allow over confidence to take over your thinking. Do your part in getting out the vote. It may not seem like it, but we are the underdog here and there is no reason not to act like it. The Dems may be down, but they are not out.
  8. Why is this country so screwed up? Haven't you seen the evolution of education away from the basics of knowledge and into all the social experiments? I've had 80 years to see the changes. It's not just education that has evolved, it is most of the facets of our lives. It all goes hand in hand with students rioting and burning flags and spray-painting monuments and all kinds of other social nonsense. Students are not taught the things that we used to consider common sense knowledge. The emphasis today is on trying to figure out what gender is appropriate, and all the other woke issues that clog up education leaving no room for the basics. Anti U.S. themes are being taught to the point where there is no room for patriotism and any appreciation or interest in our past. None of this happened just recently. It has been a slow evolution across the decades until now we are where we are and still going in that same liberal direction. Every generation has claimed that the world is going to Hell in a handbasket as each generation aged. We have gotten used to saying, "Oh that's just old-age talking." Well, that may be correct, but that don't mean that the old-timers aren't correct in their observations.
  9. Fun to build and even more fun to use.......Good job!
  10. It was kind of funny.
  11. Yesterday
  12. This is in one of the most traveled areas of big bucks during rut. Right between bedding and food. They travel through here so often. I made this stand so i could have two people in it. Adult and child. Mentoring the young ones is so special. "rock and Roll ave"!
  13. This Mus thought it could sneak by me. Silly Mus....Splat ! SJC
  14. Last week
  15. Took her down to the spot in the woods. Used some big starps and 2x6 on the bucket of tractor. Took it slow all good!
  16. Great idea, but I have 3 to take. They all want to go with Papa. They say I get really close to deer,.
  17. Way behind on the pic’s in the middle of an expansion going to 300 head. Got some cool in the mist pic’s out reseeding some pens.
  18. Awesome post! Just finishing up this hunting blind for two people to hunt from. Kid and adult. I've mentored a few times and those were my trophy moments. That stand goes in my favorite spot on the property. When down ther and finished I'll share the name of it!!!
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