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Everything posted by skyhunter

  1. nice adventure you had.; sorry the cam wasn't on. that happened to me last year while arrowing a TOM. while were on the subject of animals eating eggs; what about these attempts to control goose populations by "oiling eggs". Are the fox , raccoon, mink, etc going to try and eat those eggs? now wouldn't that have more negative effects than what the original goal was.?
  2. I never had one with a golden brown coat as this but I do believe it to be a mink. :tinkin this critter had me going for a while always giving me a pic from the back and facing away but this time I got lucky. (from a few weeks back) I haven't been out trailcamin much lately. (Panasonic homebrew trailcam)
  3. nice array of animals. bobcat catch is sweet.
  4. sweet; nice job. I had one get away Sunday.
  5. hunters that fail to identify their target species are also not concerned about another absolute rule. sex. how can you shoot turkey or deer for that matter when you have to identify the sex before you pull the trigger. you also have to identify the vital area before shooting. 1st) species 2nd) sex 3rd) vital area 4th) shot angle 5th) distance etc: these complete jackasses fail on all counts; 1st being absolute before proceeding.
  6. I'm not very happy with Easton's trend towards the lighter arrows. They did away with my favorite shaft the "Epic" which was 18/64 diameter @ 9.5 grains / inch in the 340 size, and replaced it with the lighter "bloodline". It appears this " Da Torch" is following suit with the light shafts. The Gold Tip option sounds like a better penetrating shaft for shots at big bodied bucks.
  7. posted this a few weeks back. here's a new twist. fill in the blank thought bubble.
  8. they have become my favorite subjects for trail cams. these are from late April. taken with Sony P41 + S600, and Pana FX48, FS7. I think I have a bearded hen in there.
  9. yep, healthy looking grey you captured there.
  10. very nice. some goodies in there including the hooded merganser.
  11. that's what this looks like to me.
  12. that would work for me as well but I've got a different form of justice in mind. How about you hog tie convicted terrorists and publicly suspend them from a rope so that they are hanging in the air (very much alive) and their balls and genitals are hanging down lower than their other body parts. next you slowly lower them into a vat of hot boiling oil and pause when their balls and genitals hit the burning oil. after their packages are fried to a crisp you can then finish the job and lower the rest of their soon to be corpse into the death pool. BTW, this should also be televised around the world. lastly you throw the fried radical jihadist Muslim tender into the hog pen.
  13. I would like to enter and hope I made the deadline. thanks
  14. good post Eddie. I am for all states providing info on mentally disturbed individuals and that is the one thing I favor in this debate. sick people are the ones who carry out these atrocities and the major topic that needs to be addressed rather than the tools they use. should we now also start imposing backround checks on pressure cookers and pipes. what really needs to be addressed is this guys mindset that he can turn around and use executive privilege whenever things don't go his way in Congress.
  15. super bucks there and also thanks for the Illinois info. after hunting that state for 3 years I feel you are spot on about the hunting pressure. I did have success there 1 year with a nice buck but boy that was a difficult situation to get a shot as the buck was also extremely wary even during the rut and was hesitant with every step while he closed the distance. last year I hunted Pike for the first time and was very surprised about the how extremely wary the deer were there. Much worse than the other counties I hunted previously. The does moved so slowly looking around with every step that I likened it to clearing a mine field. The farm I hunted was also not far from Hadley Creek and I'm sure that didn't help either. I would also be interested in another mid west option like Kansas. Hey Geno, maybe me and my NY hunting buddy could team up with you. Are you going bow or gun? We normally do bow season.
  16. you bet. I broke the ice in 2011 and did it again the 1st time out in 2012. going for 3 in a row. if you can get yourself on the birds with a tent blind and a decoy setup, there is a real good chance you will get a shot.
  17. yes, this picture from 2011 shows early growth on April 20th.
  18. no doubt; looks like a 6 pt or something close to that. very unique indeed. definitely must help from getting bullied in the off antler season.
  19. though I like getting pictures of all animals, birds have become my favorite subjects for trail cams. these were captured with a 2011 T cam (wood duck and heron), and a 2009 T cam (turkey).
  20. that's what typically happens when an animal walks in front of a trail cam mounted close to the ground.
  21. the bucks I have scouted all summer and early fall always disappear from my home ground right before the bow opener.
  22. got a few Toms close to home. picked up this one April 8th. this looks like the same bird.
  23. I won the Covert CA3 in a contest and had some problems with it. 1st off the thing was difficult to load as there was very little finger room, but the biggest problem I had was when I tried to clean of the plastic lens. I've done the same thing to Bushnell cams hundreds of times; applying light pressure and wiping it to remove dirt, but when I did the same to this cam the plastic lens gave way and moved inward. after that I was getting daytime pics with a pinkish infrared tint to them and I believe the cam lens was no longer sealed.
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