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About MKYxD

  • Birthday 02/17/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ontatio County, New York

Extra Info

  • Hunting Gun
    Moss 500

MKYxD's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Anyone used or use one of these? Its only 20 dollars and seems to get good reviews. I think I will try one this fall.
  2. MKYxD


    Me and my cousin took the canoe out today and did fairly well this morning. managed 8 Keepers between the two of us. Guess whats for dinner tonight?
  3. all sighted in for 100 yrds buckhammers are giving me 2 " groups
  4. Heard lots of gobbling birds this spring but that was the only one that came into the reach of my mossy 5. I am going to try the undertaker choke since its super affordable...see if it extends my reach
  5. If so what has been your experience with them? I recently purchased a h & r 20 gauge single shot with rifled barrel and these are the first shell I will be trying ( as soon as they come in)....just wondering people opinions on these shells? 20ga 2 3/4" 1 oz
  6. Thanks folks! I went hunting a few times when I was 14ish? I didn't care for it but this time I'm now 27 and I seem to be enjoying it.
  7. Shot may 29th with my cousin. My first bird. 19lb 8oz. 9 1/2inch beard 1 1/8inch spurs mossberg 500 full choke federal 3" 2oz magnum #4 38 yards dropped him dead
  8. Just joined and wanted to say hello... Went hunting a few times when I was just old enough to hunt and wasn't that into it now 27 and just got back into it due to my uncle and cousin telling me I should lol. I look forward to learning from reading the posts of you experienced hunters
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