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Posts posted by wdswtr

  1. Spent part of the day washing and rinsing syrup barrels,went to buddies and help him with his steam hood we repaired, plowed out the sugarhouse again.  Getting closer till the season starts, hoping for a cold month and a good base of snow before it starts.

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  2. 8 hours ago, landtracdeerhunter said:

    Does anyone celebrate the Vermont tradition of " Sugar On Snow Party." with homemade donuts and sour pickles. They use to  heat the maple syrup and pour it on snow which turns waxy. Then eat.


    Oh you will love this video.  A member on SBI shared it with us. Around the 13 minute mark it shows and talks about the sugar on snow party, pickles and all.


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  3. Firstlight is your vehicle maintaining coolant levels or you needing to top it off once in a while?  You could also have a head gasket leak letting coolant into #8 cylinder.  This would cause skipping and misfires in that cylinder and dependant on size of leak even a complete non detenation. Whats the plug itself look like?

  4. Thing is you wont get a new motor for a few grand, your gonna get a reconditioned motor with everything that he says yours needs, but I would expect a warranty of sorts would also come with the reconditioned motor.  I wouldnt give up just yet on your motor.  

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  5. Heres is a quick picture of the evaporators in my boiling room of the sugar house.  Not the greatest picture.  On the left is the little 2x6 and on the right is the 3x12.  When both are running I have the capability of 190 gph boiling rates.  Both rigs have gasification arches under the pans.  The 2x6 I bought new and the 3x12 is one of the first evaporators I built.  I will be adding a custom built Steam Pig to the 3x12 in the near future when I get caught up on other orders first.  I think Im going to top out at 2500 taps on high vac for this year.  Was hoping to get 3000 on line but just running out of time.  I will say that sales are very good now that we people are more health conscious about natural and organic farm food.  Last year was a great year for syrup production. Sugar content was low but sap quantity made up for it.   Im skipping out on this early run, not ready and usually sugar content is rather low this early on.  However it should be a good season for better sugar content than last.  Nice hot sunny summer usually means good sugar following spring.  Here is a quick youtube video of the 3x12 spitting out some steam on one of the first boils last year. 



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  6. Couple things I like to note, for you guys tapping with buckets dont cut your season short by tapping in this early.  You will make some syrup in this warmup this week but you will lose sap production when it gets good.  Buckets and even gravity setups will stop producing sap if they are tapped in too long.  Bacteria will build up in the tap hole and your season will be done before it gets good.  Think of it like cutting yourself, after a while your going to stop bleeding as the cut starts to heal.  Vacuum setups are a whole different ballgame.  I have gone 13 weeks of pulling sap by tapping early in the past.  6 weeks is about all your good for with buckets. 

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  7. Busy Busy in the metal shop finishing up new evaporator builds for customers.  Here is a sample of a 2.5x10 raised flue evaporator that we built for a customer.  Made more 1500 gallon and larger tanks than I care to recall this year as well.  Still have 2 more smaller 2x6 drop flue evaporators to finish yet.  Good times.


    woodys arch.jpg

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  8. 13 hours ago, fasteddie said:

    Some of the guys that posted on this thread could have been Xerox Managers . I say that because when we had something that worked , some manager would want to "fix" it . Personally , I am fine with what we have now and don't see a need to change anything but ...... what suits my needs doesn't necessarily work for others . 

    I like the lengthy Bow Season but don't support Full Inclusion of Crossbows ( even though I bought one this year ) .

    We have something that works ..... Leave it alone . 

    Lmfao yeah that analogy doesnt just apply to the Xerox managers but some of the brainwashed techs too.  Cant tell ya how many times a tech just had to upgrade software and how many times I had to follow up with reverting to a software that actually worked flawlessly, unlike the new version that has bugs and non compatible patches.  I can relate lol

  9. 53 minutes ago, ....rob said:

    The area I hunt in the lower ADK's 5J, I see does all the time. Not always in bow range, but always in rifle range. 5J isn't part of the vast ADK park, so yeah, 1 DMP per person for that area would be nice. DMP for the areas around Johnstown, G'Ville, and even Caroga would be nice as well.

    If you get up north of Moose River and hit areas like Ausable or Malone, there is a good amount of farm land, so there may be more diverse areas for food, and a higher deer population.

    All apologies if you don't agree.

    Didnt say I agreed or not, was just funny you said seeing a deer is an accomplishment then asking for more doe permits in one sentence.  I mean most people would think not giving out doe permits would increase some population.  Just funny post is all.

  10. On 12/20/2016 at 8:45 PM, ....rob said:

    Leave the NZ as it is! There are areas up there that just seeing a deer, any deer is an accomplishment. If any changes to the NZ, lets open up some more DMP WMU's!

    So just seeing a deer, any deer is an accomplishment in northern tier and you want more dmps there LMFAO. 

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  11. I was listening to talk radio and this lady called in from NYC and she explained the mindset of NYC vs the rest of the state.   She said people in the city believe they are entitled to happiness and cant grasp reality when something doesnt go there way.  She continued on to say the rest of the state believes they are entitled to the pursuit of happiness and when they dont get there way they keep pursuing happiness instead of whining and demanding it.

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       I know I haven't got it all right .But, Can anyone explain to me how our deer numbers were fine before trophy hunting ,but then dropped way off after a few years of trophy hunting. Trophy hunting was stopped and we all went back to shooting anything older then a 6 month fawn. The deer numbers have been coming back up sence and every year is better then the last.  We have a wide variety of age structure and numbers getting better.

    The variables to your question are so vast it would be impossible to answer this question with 100% certainty.  DEC, doe permit numbers, local farmers, milder winters, less hunters, food plots, mass crops, browse, poachers,predators,logging mature mass crop trees, immature crop trees now producing nuts,  a 5 mile radius of what others are doing, the list goes on and on.  For all one knows it could be a farmer planted some crop that attracted many deer and they just moved off your property, now the guy stopped, deer returned and it happened to coincide with your non trophy hunting theory.  If you read the article I posted earlier you would understand these studies prove that these trophys are not the only breeders. I would take a guess that if anything those trophys being gone took the pressure off the younger class bucks and they bred more readily.  Also understand that those young bucks are moving off that property.    I can tell you the biggest influence on deer here at home is availability of food.  There is just not much or any real sized farms around here at home.  When mass crops are poor its noticeable in number of deer sightings. 

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  13. 7 minutes ago, stubby68 said:

          Then why ever time qdma talks the main they say is it helps get older bigger bucks. Ask how qdma  helps the herd the first and last thing that is said. Bigger bucks. And of corse bigger bucks always means a healthier herd. 

    Do you understand the only way to get bigger and older age class deer is to have a diversified healthy herd that is balanced to the lands herd capacity?  To get this older class herd you must have a younger class to grow up.   You honestly dont know what qdma is.

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  14. 16 minutes ago, Four Season Whitetails said:

    Well ya if a person is happy shooting baby deer and pretty much anything that walks it will change. You could not have done crap to stop trophy hunting. You telling me they just dont come on your land any longer or is it that just nobody can shoot them. Our property is only miles from you and i can show you evety age class of bucks and i can show you piles of ladies and kids in the fields even today in the middle of the season and i can show you the now alot smarter trophy bucks that are still there just by the grace of trail cam's.  I dont care how good someone thinks they are you are not going to even get a quarter of the trophy mature bucks of of a good well managed piece of property that is of good size and can be controlled. When they have everything they need at home they dont have to leave and then they dont get shot elsewhere.  Pretty simple stuff really!  When you have all the pieces of the puzzle!

    If this is true and your within say 5 miles of him, your very own management practices have played a large role in his deer herd.  This is what most these guys dont get.  The bucks born on his property arent staying there, if anything him shooting young age class deer effects his neighbors in a 5 mile radius and vice versa.  

  15. 14 minutes ago, stubby68 said:

    What you think every buck breeds ? Maybe you guys should stop listening to the cap qdma keeps putting out there. A quality deer herd doesn't mean having all huge old bucks as they like to push. If you are old enough think back to the days when deer numbers were great through the whole state. How did people hunt then ? Did they go for trophy or for meat? It was meat. What are most hunters looking for now? TROPHYS. deer are now way over populated in some areas and way under in others.

    Apparently you also do not know what QDMA is.  Its quality deer management not quality big buck management.  Dont feel bad there are many who do not understand this either.

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  16. 11 minutes ago, stubby68 said:


                       Yes in the wild there a few bucks that never get seen. Very few. The ones that are never seen do little to no breeding. They only move to eat and are waiting to die.Only time they get seen or killed is when someone stumbles on to them. These bucks are so few in number and do so little breeding they have no effect on the herd at all.

    I dont care who you are, thats funny right there.  

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  17. 13 hours ago, stubby68 said:

           It's  called high gradeing. The older bucks do 90% of the breeding. If you kill off all the largest and oldest bucks every year each years selection gets worse and worse. You can not kill off the best of any species every year and expect it to not hurt that populations future. 

                  It takes time for mother nature to put the best back into the herd after hunters have killed off all the best. Every year we he guys saying the passed on 10 or 15 little bucks and only saw one or two good bucks. Even trail cam pics show large numbers of small young bucks and only a few big old bucks.Young bucks have less of a chance of getting a doe pregnant then  older ones. Killing off all the older bucks eventuall leads to degrading of the herd. If you have 10 bucks that are under 2 1/2 and 2 that are 4 1/2 and you kill those two older ones you are left with all young bucks. The next year the oldest will be at most 3 1/2 kill them because they are the biggest and best you have left and the next year is worse.

               That 400 acres is not the only land in the area. We have another parcel of 90, a neighbor with 160, another with 78, another with 43, 18,and another 72.That makes 861 acres that the deer numbers were low on after years of high gradeing. Numbers are now on the rise. Before everyone got crazy for antlers the deer numbers were great. After the antler hunting started we saw lower and lower numbers every year. We all went back to hunting the way it was meant to be for a source of food. Numbers are coming back. Before selective hunting things were good during selective things started getting bad Stopped selective hunting things getting better again. Not too hard to see what the problem was.

            A balanced herd has a good selection of young old and middle age deer not just all young because all the biggest oldest have been made into decorations. Leave some of the older ones and take a few young and middle age one .

              I did not start this thread for an argument. With all the talk of AR and last year's two weeks doe only I was curious how many would still hunt if they couldn't hunt bucks.Most would be fine with it because they would have a lot of trophy after the 5 years. How about no bucks ever ? Bet 90 % of you would never hunt NY state again. 

    This https://www.qdma.com/will-dominant-bucks-dominate-breeding/

    And do some research on Doe genetics

    Your theory is delusional at best

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