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Posts posted by BucktheBuck30-06

  1. Say, Buck Buck....Seems like your ally is about as bright and mature as you are...

    Perhaps you are the same person.....

    That would be dumb plus i love this website i still have good convo's on here not everyone has to like me.Maybe he or she jus thinks what they think.Just a little more mean lol but whatever dont hurt my feelings!!

  2. No doubt, BuckBuck...

    You are doing better than all of us...

    As I have already said, I concede to your superior intellect...

    Not to mention the fact that your chest beating and threats have really frightened me.. You are so big and strong and tough, and I'm just a ricketty old man..<<sigh>>..

    I've tried not to use too many big, multi-syllable words words here, because I don't want to confuse you..

    I think it's time for my NAP...

    You done yet bud Bhahahahahaha..go get a deer or at least try to

  3. Dont know everything any never claimed to.Im just gunna stick up for what i belive in i dont care if you guys like it or not so if you want to keep going go ahead im young i have nothing but time lmao!!!You all try to insalt me but im probly doing better than half of you hahaha..Good luck now dont keep you panties in a bunch!!!

  4. Buck, if you are 22 you should get your ass back to school and learn how to spell.

    Here's a quick and simple question... is the road you speak of that your family/logging company owns land on a public road?

    If your saying its blocked off then I assume its a private road and I wouldn't be spotlighting off it. If its public then what's the name of it I want to see what's runnin through your woods!! Haha

    Far from public buddy.And theres lots moving threw im hoping to have a nice buck very soon!!

  5. However, the road IS a public road...??.. So you are threatening people with physical harm for driving up a PUBLIC road doing something that is LEGAL..??..

    Do you realize that this is a public forum and that people who are involved in law enforcement participate in this forum ..??..

    DANG, Junior Boy... You are even more of a genius than I THOUGHT you were..!..

    Okay..You win..I give up...Not only am I SCARED, but I have to admit you have outsmarted me...

    I'm going to bed, now, if I can only get that durn nurse to bring my walker..

    Good luck guy..

  6. If you didnt read the post right first time you moron i said the road is straight up the middle OF A PRIVATE PEICE OF LAND THAT ME AND MY FAMILY OWN NOT NONE OF YOU FAT HEADED PEOPLE THAT SPOTLIGHT CAN EVEN TURN ON THE ROAD AS ITS BLOCKED OFF..and theres a good chance you wouldnt make it out if you didi cross so you put the peices together..we would feed them to the dogs is that clear for ya now im done going back and forth with all..for the last time i could care less if you spot light a deer from the road idc at all get it..

  7. Hey bud here's a pic of a 10point I spotted using my SPOTLIGHT 2 nights ago in a field that I DON'T EVEN OWN but borders the woodlot I hunt!! WHEEEEEW I FEEL LIKE SUCH A CRIMINAL

    Dude once again idc thats not my land spot away killer lmao..I rather shoot a buck with a rifle not a spot light DDUUUUuuUUUuUuuuuuuuuu....

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