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Everything posted by TreeGuy

  1. Going off whats in the pic, buttons or not, it has a small snout, and a short and skinny neck.... i think the snout is usually a great place to start to tell age on the hoof. If i catch myself asking if it could be a fawn, i let it pass and i havent regretted any yet. And i love backstraps as much as the " meat hunters" do ! But, if ur after meat, who cares, just make sure its a deer and shoot. Either way, good kill and congrats.
  2. How do u get them to all gather so close...?
  3. Looks like hes right in ur backyard!!! Good luck
  4. I cant think of anything but swear words right now.... ummm, wow. Good luck when u finally get to grab them antlers!
  5. Ahhhh, the trophy hunter.... i went 4 yrs without a buck, so i feel your pain. Enjoy the taste of success!! Now go shoot you a booner!!
  6. Great job man! Bet u never thought a day that started with a mistake could end with sweeeeeet victory! And lucky u, fired a warning shot last year and buried the hatchet this year. Another thing that would have drove me nuts..... always picturing him trying to replay the shot....now hes officially yours !!!man, cool turn of events!! Good job!!
  7. 9h - chase phase. Not out since last weekend so i would imagine still there since NONE of the does wanted to play along..... hope that they are still running like idiots this weekend with the warm temps!
  8. I never mind sitting on the ground, ive invested alot in scent elimination gear and sprays. You always feel that much closer when ur on the ground. To me though, i HAVE to have the perfect wind or i will move on to another spot or stand. I prefer to keep my spot/stalk for when i have a firearm cause i dont like bumping deer at all during bow on my property. Either way, it is definately a big accomplishment to stick one from the ground...eye to eye and nose to nose.....i love it! Good luck to all the ground pounders!
  9. Welcome to my world, where i live murphys law. I apologize for getting u all involved in this....everyone except wny...u were the one that said a trophy could be any deer to anybody- looks like you might have a nice shoulder mount of a button this year? Lmfao
  10. Well, now u have to dedicate some time to huntin yotes.... congrats on a great buck!
  11. Bullseye!!!! I wasnt in the stand 1 minute tonight when i caught this little fella cruisin throigh the golden rod...gave him a couple squeaks and he came right in.... got to 37yrds and made me, but, to his demise he let me go full draw while he stared right at me. My arrow was dead on as he was barely quartering to me @ an almost straight on shot....look at the pics and you will be able to tell, RAGE in the cage left him with a "gaping wound channel" . Just about cut his leg off, tore apart his should and took a nice chunk of his heart. He went about 15feet doing the bulldozer...good way to start the night!
  12. @KEVA, if a dumba$$ like treeguy can pick up on whats going on, i would call shenanigans! Either way, i recommend not saying anything more....
  13. Congrats myke! All i can say is...... guuuuuulp. You guys see in that pic, he has an apple on his broadhead and 150lb test with a huge salmon rod up in his stand....dude did u snag him or was it a fair catch....? lmao. At least its dead!
  14. Well, i didnt exactly not call u names, i just chose to do it verbally not type it out, jerk.
  15. A friend bought some steaks from wegmans at a ridiculous price...they were good just not as good when u know where it died.
  16. How many bucks can u shoot during bow in middlesex??
  17. Yes. Why? Cause every mount my father and i have we always get it exactly how they looked at the shot... mine was looking left and dads right.... i could care less about filling the wall with different style mounts, i want them how i shot them, which means the capes and antlers would have to be switched....wrong deer on wrong form and wrong antlers on wrong deer....yes it matters!!!! Would you really just let that go? We dont have that kind of money !
  18. Good ole stickers.... prob has made that outfitter alot of money over the years...lol. good story and ur right about just being lucky enough to shoot at a buck like that!
  19. Same for me.. just 2 shooters chasing about 4 big slobby does.....all at 70ish yrds..... u know since we had to go back and forth about this and that we are similar in what we will and wont shoot, we will prob only get bb's in range now. Lol
  20. Careful.....soon there may be a GR, genetics restriction....lol
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