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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by TreeGuy

  1. Looking to sell my disc setup that I use for the plots. I have a big tiller now and really don't need it anymore. Worked perfect for those " no till" seeds. Its about 3.5' wide. Has grease fittings for the discs. Discs can be rotated and hitch can be flipped lower for a mower or higher for an ATV. Painted last year and barely used since. Paid 250. Hoping to not lose too much ! But, money talks. I'm in boston NY very close to rt 219. You can call or text 716 465 9554
  2. All good choices. Gonna go to the local pro shop in the next week or so and try out the bear paw and the new fold back Max.... go from there
  3. Tactful - full of tact. Most 70's furniture is tactful. Or- it is held together by many tacts when people put up posted signs, they use many tacts to hold them, making them tactful, possibly so much that fat kids riding bikes may not be able to read the sign. When a hammer tacker is low, it is tactempty vs tactful
  4. "Caution, live filming for predator 4" or reverse pshycology --- put a sign pointing to your neighbors house that says " free breakfast with all day tresspass " or " out of town for deer season, please don't kill the 160" that stays behind the house " or we could put out a scoreboard type deal showing stats.... "so far we have killed 15 deer on this property this year, haven't seen one since last Tuesday " or " DEC convention this week " man, there are alot of ideas to change up the typical " posted ". If i think of more ill be sure to add later, so join me creative minds, lets change the future of tresspassing together !
  5. How bout we market some of these great ideas..... new posted signs.... instead of " posted " which is kind of stupid anyways... " live mine field, stay out " or " caution, property over taken by poison ivy " or " land has aids, if your going to tresspass wear protection " or " owner is blind and shoots at anything he hears " or " trespassing will lead to immediate removal and a million dollar fine " or " beware of dog, especially the ones we trained to fight " or "beware of da Bubba, Bubba hungry - he eat human " or " tresspass and you legally agree to marry my wife " or " watch out for exploding cow crap " or " we just fed the kids some bath salts.... enter at your own risk "
  6. Seriously... with the squirrel !?!? Absolutely awesome !
  7. sits in trees, thank u but I'm just gonna go new. Plus i want a buckle this time not velcro.
  8. Could you please clarify your post. Particularly the part about this treeguy fella. " funny as hell " Hell per Wikipedia is " In many religious traditions, hell is a place of suffering and punishment in an afterlife, often after resurrection. Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as endless. Religions with a cyclic history often depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations. Typically these traditions locate hell under the Earth's external surface and often include entrances to Hell from the land of the living. Other afterlife destinations include Heaven, Purgatory, Paradise, and Limbo." I am confused, ( often ) so help me out..... treeguy is funny as eternal damnation / not very " funny " or tree guy is funny like comical and when u read his posts you sometimes tinkle a bit from laughing " funny ". Listen, I'm just trying to save some bandwidth and another 10 page argument, so lets just talk this one out like grown folk and get to the bottom of your statement.
  9. Having options is NEVER A BAD THING ! I have 2 perms and 2 ladder stands on my 100 acres. I can't remember a year I didn't move a ladder stand during season ! I say put 2 more up ! Just keep in mind wind options compared to runs.... and get a cam out there, trust me, a couple pics of a BB and you will know where to hang a stand !
  10. That's the one I was looking at. How long have u had yours ?
  11. Those who stand in the middle of a fight get punched from both sides.
  12. Between u and me, I have pudding wrestlin' matches every Friday and ur more than welcome to join, but they must end sharply @ 5pm ( that's when my auto feeders start dumping corn and I don't like to disturb my property) so we usually just head inside and watch re runs of spirit of the wild for a few hours. If uncle ted isn't on we hop on the atv's ( but horses are welcome to join ) and we go play the p.s. game. That's where we ride around ( typically drunk or on bath salts, or even both if ur into that ) and whoever ends up with the most posted signs bearing different land owners names wins a salt lick, a rusted 3 blade rage, a spotlight, some c'mere deer and a 6 pack of Schlitz . Just rsvp as soon as u can so I can make enough tofurkey burgers. Just don't go telling everybody !
  13. Wait, I checked the handbook...... apparently the reason for using jello is to distinguish if someone pooped or not.... apparently jello / pudding wrestling can do bad things to the bowels and to keep it a sterile and safe environment jello is mandatory to make sure nobody blows mud in the ring. Sorry bro, my uncles brothers sisters step sons twin sisters aunts uncles cousin works for the d.e.c. and confirmed. No pudding aloud.
  14. How dare u point your multi jointed finger at us jello loving freaks. We have the right, as tax paying citizens to use whatever products we want when it comes to peace making activitys. If we decide to solve our problems with jello involved festivitys than by golly we shall, and no man, or girly man, or woman, or manly woman shall stop us ! You should be ashamed at your hateful remarks !!!! But i will be the bigger man and agree to a compromise, yes I said it, compromise ! Because iiiiiiiii am open minded, unlike u sir, I will try a change to our age old tradition of jello and use a pudding flavored jello, u know what ?!? Ill even accept a jello flavored pudding ! Now u my friend must open your mind and join us in our movement !
  15. My cobra crapped the bed so I'm looking for a new one. I'm leaning towards the tru fire that folds back. I like the idea of the buckle vs Velcro too... tons of options and I'd like to keep it under 100$ ( as under as possible ) the only things i didn't like about my cobra was that it broke.... I'm hoping someone who has tried a few could help or reccomend. I like feedback. If nobody cares I'm OK with that too.... i shoot an Elite pulse w/ d loop.
  16. Looks to be a heck of a curl forming on his drivers side brow tine.... by October it will be a C
  17. Quite the selection ! Gotta love the " big country "
  18. So to join back in on the antagonizing... like the one leg shorter flat lander that i am.... I'm still interested in going to this bitch slapping, jello tossing event @ cwhite's... but before i come I want a guarantee there are no posted signs on his property.... I would hate to have someone search my last 56678 posts to find that i had said I hated tresspassers and call me out on it....I can't believe this is still going ! On another note, do u guys thinks its better to not shoot young bucks....... or always hold off for the mature bucks ? Expandables.... or fixed ? Baiting..... or no baiting ? Obama...... should get re-elected ? Matthews...... or whatever you shoot ? Tresspass...... or obey a sign ? And finally ---------- the main event...... que music BUBBAAAAAAAAA OR DOEEEEEEEEEEE I know lawdawz is with me on this one
  19. Table, floor or hanging? Personaly I go for the ceiling fan/light fixture combo. Combos are where its at.... nacho cheese or pep pizza... wait, I'm getting off track... Personally, I love the one from a. Christmas story... u know, the lady leg with fish net stockings.... I always get caught looking up the lamp shades...
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