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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Suilleabhain

  1. Anyone in 3A tell me how it is in the woods. Want to go up and check my place but don't feeling like humping through 2 feet of ice over snow and driving over the frozen plow pile. Snow depth maps vary from 7 to 20 inches
  2. Was on TV this morning. Wait for it he's going to make an announcement
  3. Okay to take abreak from the my arrow is longer than your arrow talk and get back on track...Cuomo today said he is allowing crossbows in all archery seasons and doing away with youth hunting. He anticipates a very large increase in archery hunters now as well as out of staters coming to NYS. Reason for the youth hunt, its too dangerous to have youth with rifles at the same time so many archers will be in the woods. And the revenues from the increased licensing is more important to the state than the benefit of youths shooting does and spikes, etc. Youths will be able to hunt regular season but will be subject to AR and the normal rules
  4. All animals will use a trail when snow is deep, they aren't stupid. He had every chance to wait it out or turn around. You can see the moose looking at the deep snow before making his charge to take the trail. Guy left the moose kicking and didn't put it down. He has everything against him and should be prosecuted
  5. I agree fully on mandatory reporting success or failure
  6. As long as you do away with the antlerless fill in bow and muzzleloader. With the new technology, it isn't necessary any longer. Just issue DMPs if does need killing.
  7. I would vote for Putin before I voted for Andy or abstained from voting against him.
  8. I could just imagine the cartoons and funny stories in the back page of what was it Sports Afield or Outdoor Life that Magnuson or whoever used to write. Some freakin' free for all cartoon of guys running thru the woods with all these different tools.
  9. I was going to start my 5 y/o G-daughter but since I can't be there often I thought better not
  10. Heard a quick thing on the news yesterday. Someone, republican, from Westchester is declaring for Gov this week.
  11. Maybe that is the answer JJ no special tags. Just one and done
  12. Can't tell you what it was about becuase my wife picked it up and as soon as he said Hi this is Gov Andrew Cuomo, she said GFY and hung up. Anybody else gt one?
  13. Just in a general statement. You have primitive hunters who like recurve, longbow, flintlock and cap & ball. You have compound bows, pistol hunters, rifle hunters, shotgun hunters, modern black powder and now crossbow hunters. I think I about covered it. So how do you give guys equal access with equal ability without cutting access. Set a primitive season, gun season, muzzleloader, compound, crossbow and then gun? Do you give each type a week? It gets dicey how you carve out each type so you don't get crossover and destroy another guys preferred method. I don't know the answer but can sure see the problems others have.
  14. L&T you really have your finger on the pulse here. Only took you two months to chime in and offer no information yourself to the OP. Come on back in May and give us more insightful banter.
  15. Bubba I wasn't coming at you, I was agreeing with your other post
  16. Guys I know use the 44 Mag Ruger or Smith i believe with a scope.
  17. get an apartment refridge and a small chest freezer
  18. Belo if I was starting out I would do just what you said. At the beginning I had a bolt action .22 and .300 Savage and a 12ga Ithica Model 37. That covered it all.
  19. Marco, I see that in my job too. No one is born in NYC
  20. I looked at them after my 5+ cube died. Any chest between 6 and 9 cube is fine. Looking at the 10 and 12 uprights, the reveiews were poor for them lasting any length of time.
  21. Works right into the inequality of income. When they are done we will all be working 20 hours a week and on some form of dole. Serfs to the overlords.
  22. Bubba, guy in my club shot a 500# bear at Moose Lake in the late 50's with a .300 Savage. Guess he made a mistake too. I had a Weatherby Vanguard in 30-06 can I get in on the Weatherby talk or is it limited to magnums?
  23. But then again, he may want to shoot a Danish girraffe so the quandry still is in full effect
  24. So after all the BS and hijacking, it was all siad and done when he said NJ and Dutchess. There are no Elk, Moose, Cape Buffalo...you can't use a rifle, so the only thing left for a one gun solution is a 12ga. Now please go back to BS arguments over whether it should be over/under, side by side, pump, auto or lever action
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