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Everything posted by wooffer

  1. Sadly that is the type of people that infest journalism today. They didn't even wait for the bodies to get cold before they started their anti-gun campaign. No respect for the innocent victims of that madman. Almost every article written about the tragedy focused on the alleged firearm. They are truly the lowest of the low.
  2. Because the press incorrectly calls AR's, "assault weapons", and the president calls them "weapons of war",and the general public thinks they are machine guns. It makes for a much more sensational story. I can guarantee none of you remember the mass murder of 87 people killed in NYC. The murder weapon was not that "hollywood" so it didn't get noticed that 87 people were killed by the actions of a single man.
  3. Why do you call a lack of reportable facts and yellow journalism a conspiracy? Aren't you curious to know the truth? All we have been reading is hearsay so far.
  4. I did find an interesting story on the Newtown ME. http://www.ctpost.com/local/article/State-M-E-Carver-withdraws-his-resignation-3323521.php
  5. I found one article, but it reads more like a gun control ad as opposed to a story about Newtown http://www.usatoday....otings/1772825/ This is the only line that refernces the shooting but makes no sense, In the school shooting, Connecticut Chief Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver said all 26 victims were hit multiple times, suffering "devastating" wounds, all apparently traced to the rifle The .223 does not make devastating wounds, it was designed to injure and not kill enemy combatants. The injuries described sound more aligned to a hollow point pistol round as opposed to a fully jacketed .223 This statement in the same article supports the fact that no one has seen or photographed the alleged AR used. A simple look at an AR can tell you if it is pre-ban or not. Because the exact specifications of the weapon are not publicly known, it is unclear whether the actual weapon would have been prohibited under the former federal assault weapons ban, which expired in 2004. However, the law would have prohibited the 30-round magazine. This yellow press raises more questions than it answers.
  6. I just scanned that blog, but don't see the links to a valid news story. Can you just post the link to the story? Thanks
  7. I read that there are actually witnesses who were shot and did not die. I am not sure if or when we will hear their story. Or the story from anyone at the school on that day. Where were the photos of the firearms being carried out of the building?
  8. I have looked for a valid article for the last two weeks. I have only found one article that contradicts another. If you have a link that states otherwise I would be glad to read it. Please post
  9. It is probably one of the most poorly reported stories if the day. No one can be really sure because the police have not held a press conference yet holding up the allegded weapons. Did I miss something? Can someone provide me a link to the press conference? I haven't seen one witness interview telling what happened. I don't believe the AR was actually involved becaue the initial articles stated the caliber and brand of the AR, but this was before the actual crime scene was surveyed. So I must assume the AR was in the car like the initial report. Of course that doesn't mean that someone couldn't have carried it in afterwards to help push the AR ban. The last sentence is speculation based on the latter news reports, not conspiracy.
  10. More information has been released about the shooting of the firefighters in upstate NY According to an article by the AP: William Spengler raised no alarms in prison for 17 years and for more than a decade afterward. Well-spoken, well-behaved and intelligent, his demeanor was praised by four straight parole boards that nevertheless denied him parole, worried that bludgeoning his 92-year-old grandmother with a hammer showed a violent streak that could explode again. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/12/29/new-york-woman-arrested-in-connection-with-murder-2-firefighters/?test=latestnews#ixzz2GSAE6YLd The key sentence is the last one. Does anyone really think that someone who bludgeoned his own grandmother to death should NOT have received the death penalty? Why was this person allowed to continue to walk the earth? In NY the answer is simple; NY Governors and the democratic party rabidly oppose the death penalty. But why? Is it because they fear the loss of their constituents when they sentence one to death? Please save the "an innocent man may be sentenced to death nonsense." Death penalty cases afford the greatest protections to those charged, and there are enough cases where the perpetrator admits the act or is caught in the act. So the question must be answered, "Why does the democratic party protect these killers?"
  11. The media has also ignored the breakdown of the american family and the culture of violence we are forced to raise our kids in. A study of todays youth should have been done after Columbine. Guns were around way before these crazy kids and we didn't have these problems. We had a shooting range in our high school when I attended. That high school was in New York City of all places. Funny how none of those kids ran through the halls of the school shooting it up.
  12. Very well put. 10 children died the same week of the Newtown victims in Afghanistan due to a mine. This is very typical globally but no one seemed too concerned on Capital Hill.
  13. Nothing like using the death of innocent children to further the anti-gun agenda, and I thought Adam Lanza was the lowest form of a human. The greatest mass murder by a single person in NY and probably the country killed 87 people. No one talked about banning the murder weapon or holding the manufacturer of the murder weapon accountable. No the weapon was NOT a firearm, that is why it is was not an issue. Gun control is not about protecting children, it is about protecting the ever growing power of those holding it. Congress and the president are protected by armed guards, why aren't our children afforded the same protections?
  14. I agree, it was an excellent and proper response. It is not easy responding to something that is not your fault and people expect you to fix. Kind of sad how we protect everything better than our children. The schools have the money, they just need to direct it to the protection of our children.
  15. Here is the original link: http://www.newsday.com/elections/cuomo-to-unveil-gun-control-proposals-on-jan-9-1.4360822 I didn't hilight the Republican/Democrat words, It does that when you copy an article, it allows you to hyperlink to their definition I guess. I don't expect any support from either the Democrat controlled NY State Assembly or the Democrat controlled NY State Senate. The Republicans lost control of the Senate this year and we can expect anything to pass both houses now.
  16. ALBANY -- Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Thursday that he plans to unveil a "full package" of gun-control proposals in his State of the State address on Jan. 9, following the tragic school shootings in Newtown, Conn. The Democrat said he has had discussions with the leaders of the Republican-led state Senate and Democrat-controlled Assembly, but not about specific details. In a radio interview, he said the focus of his proposals "is assault weapons . . . and the accessibility of these guns." He even floated the possibility of confiscating assault weapons that are currently legal.. ...................Cuomo acknowledged the state law has many loopholes. "In this state, the assault weapon ban has more holes than Swiss cheese," he said. The governor, who owns a shotgun, added: "I don't think legitimate sportsmen are going to say I need an assault weapon to go hunting." I guess I missed the point in American history where the King of England wanted to confiscate firearms so the colonist couldn't hunt anymore. The 2nd Amendment has NOTHING to do with hunting.
  17. This President has overseen the nation while it sets a record for public mass murders, domestically and abroad. Does anyone think banning a gun will change anything. We need a culture change. In his own words: "As a nation, we have endured far too many of these tragedies in the last few years," he said in his weekly radio address Saturday. "An elementary school in Newtown. A shopping mall in Oregon. A house of worship in Wisconsin. A movie theater in Colorado. Countless street corners in places like Chicago and Philadelphia."
  18. You shouldn't be appalled by the statement, but rather the people who use the tragedy to further their agenda. It would be nice to think that everyone shares our values and beliefs, but you must remember that their are those that have the same hatred in their hearts as the shooter had in his.
  19. Let's not forget the breakdown of family, removal of religious beliefs and the addition of mind controlling drugs. As you stated, semi-autos are nothing new, but the culture of (legally prescribed) drug fed kids are.
  20. It is his opinion, why do you take it personal? That is what this blog is about, post your opinion and don't take it personal. If you don't think some people in Washington DC aren't considering this collateral damage and are glad it happened then your newstream is very limited. They will try and use an act like this to fundamentally change the United States beyond what you can comprehend. The first phase of stripping the nation of its religious identity is already underway.
  21. Because real journalism is dead, nobody watches it anymore and any chance they have to sensationilze a story they will.
  22. Ah yes the Salem Witch trials start all over again. He had an argument with his wife. She calls 911 and makes that statement. It is then tried in the Press and he is guilty already.
  23. Don't forget gun control is not about banning guns, it is about controlling people. Those in control will stll have access to guns. Bloomberg wants all guns banned in NYC, except the ones carried by his bodyguards of course.
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