Parker XP, RH, 6 new carbons, 28 1/2" draw, set at 60#, 80% letoff, quiver, Capture rest (new brushes), stabilizer, wrist sling, sight, brand new TruFire release, just serviced prior to the fall bow season. This is a great, lightweight modern compact bow, it'll shoot alongside the $1kilobuck bows all day. Health and time constraints keep me out of the woods, 3 seasons old, it's been afield maybe a dozen times. $350 picked up here South of Rochester. Firearms trades considered, FTF only. Not interested in shipping. I do have a valid NY pistol permit, or muzzleloaders and long guns in trade. Please reply via email, I do not get online as often as I'd like to check the site.
ronnyvous1 -at-