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Posts posted by bwilso20

  1. My buddy just told me it had 20 1/2in inside will post what the green score is when I find out. They are going to mount this buck since they were watching it for so many years. This buck is actually on its first year of the down side, it was actually wider and had more points last year. They found a drop with 15 on one side last winter.

  2. My buddy found this giant dead about 4 miles from my house yesterday evening in his aunts pond. The bottom jaw was blown off and they believe it died from starvation. There was also a wound that was just about healed over you can see high in the shoulder from bow season.post-2390-0-65739600-1354640736_thumb.jp

  3. Thanks guys I figured everyone would appreciate this picture...now lets just hope he sticks around so I can give you guys another picture with me in it.

    Also will be posting a picture of a 2 1/2 year old that green scored 155 shot off the same property last year by a friend of the family.

  4. I was getting some blurry pics of bucks that I knew were nice but couldn't tell if they had alot of mass and or alot of points. Adjusted my camera and my first pics were of this big boy coming in on regular basis. I think he is an 18-20 point what do you guys think.



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