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Guns&ReligionCop last won the day on February 20 2013

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About Guns&ReligionCop

  • Birthday 04/29/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Putnam NY

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  • Hunting Location
    Putnam New York
  • Hunting Gun
    Pre 64 Winchester Model 70 in 270,
  • Bow
    Martin Moab
  • HuntingNY.com
    Google search

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    Hello sir,

    I,m located in Dolgeville NY just north of Littlefalls.Would like the vests.What would you need in trade?....Tim












  2. Trad1, Where are you located. I have a few extra brand new ones. You can have them.
  3. House cat! Ive been seeing a lot of pics of Lion in Uniondale PA though. Things huge! I don't know if its all the same kitty but They have on video at Elk Mt. Trail cam pics 10 mins away in Uniondale.
  4. GO BIG OR GO HOME!!! Just Kidding but I do try to get the old lady. I like testing myself by waiting for the fat lady to give me a nice shot.
  5. To busy playing on my phone to notice the buck in front of me and then in my haste banged my bow off the stand and spooked it.
  6. I tried the Rage once last year and wasn't that impressed. They shot great but made a much louder whistle than my Reapers and they opened in my quiver. This morning when I filled my quiver I thought about using Rage and figured why risk it why I have had nothing but incredible results with the reapers. By 8:30am, 30 yards from where I shot her I had a nice doe piled up. Not to say that the Rage wouldn't have done the same but why fix whats not broken. I love the Reapers and have never heard anyone complain about them. Rage you have some that love them and some that hate them.
  7. Why are people jumping down this guys throat for asking about shooting at 60 yards? I don't shoot that far hunting. Most of my deer have been within 8-12 yards but I spend must of my time practicing far away (30-40) because its more challenging and makes a 10 or 20 yard shot seem a lot easier. I have shot as far back as 80 yards for no other purpose than it being fun and challenging even though I would never shoot a deer or anything that far. Should I stop shooting my rifle at 400 yards because I never shoot that far?
  8. I started with a T-handle and had tendency to pluck the string and pull my shot. I shoot a lot better with the wrist strap but its all about user preference.
  9. I switched to Grim Reapers a few years ago and absolutely love them. I bought a bunch of Rage 2 blade from a guy on this sight who was switching. I only shot one deer with the Rage but wasn't at all impressed. I have gotten 7 deer with the Grim Reapers and thought they were great and have had zero problems!
  10. I think First-Light pegged it spot on
  11. I think they are another gimmick.
  12. I never recommend breaking the law but I look at it like speeding. Don't do it but if I'm seriously injured, I want to get to the hospital asap and damn the speed limit.
  13. Any reason you aren't using the tradition 10 yard increments like 10,20,30,40 as to odd numbers? Are you using a older bow or light draw?(Just wondering because must bows seem to hit about the same point out to 20 yards)
  14. Get those nocks with the little light in them because a bloody fletch regardless of the color is harder to find because the bright colors are dulled with that blood and if you missed, leave the arrow, the shaft must have been bent in the first place
  15. I've been using my Martin Moab now for several years and I have set up exactly how I want it and have been lucky enough to have 100% success rate. Just for the hell of it I was looking at new bows to possibly upgrade and there was really nothing that impressed me all that much. I feel like the technology hasn't really changed all that much since I got my bow. There seems to be a little lag time before you notice a significant change in the technology. Obviously my bow in the 90's compared to now is completely different but my bow compared to my buddies brand new one had nothing noticeably different.
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