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About Whitetail93

  • Birthday 12/21/1993

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Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Genesee County
  • Hunting Gun
    Mossberg 500
  • Bow
    PSE Brute
  • HuntingNY.com

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i wouldnt say you "cant" kill them but the odds are defiantly low of killing a buck that regularly shows up at nights. Your best opportunity is going to be last light at a food source or sitting all day at the peak of the rut. anything can happen at anytime is what ive learned especially last year
  2. Thanks for the advice phade. Although id love to say other people dont worry because they do, your right ive gotta worry less about them and more on my own tactics. Like you said its tough when you dont own a huge chunk of property and you have 3 neighbors with an itchy trigger finger
  3. Never said 3.5 was a fully mature buck by any means. I said to let a 2 year old walk so he can grow up to a mature buck. Guys go out and shoot the first buck they see. You know how that goes it takes a long time to see a good buck, sure some get lucky but its usually a young buck that hasnt grown up. I hear what your saying about the herd part. Sure a deer can run any where. but deer have a home range which they feel comfortable with so if everybody and their brother would stop blasting the first movement of brown in the woods then we could alot more big bucks around. But when you shoot a good buck or a buck that is old on the downside your affecting the future breeding of the following year.so either way you look at it your affecting the herd whether you think so or not.
  4. i dont care who you are or what state you live in. There is always good genetics around its how us, as hunters, manage the herd. Meaning let a 2 year old buck walk and wait on a mature deer. even if it means not filling a tag for the year! if you want meat in the freezer, Shoot a doe! theres always plenty of them to go around.
  5. If i had extra cash just laying around theres no doubt id buy a Reconyx. But for me i have 8mp cameras that are great picture quality. Down side to them is the trigger speed. So i guess what im getting at is im ok with going to in mp to actually get the deer in the picture. most pictures are with 20 or 30 feet anyways on trails and scrapes.
  6. Ive always bought the middle of the line trail cameras. i want to get something with a lot better quality than your average camera. The wildgame Cams arent terrible but im sick of blurry images and missed deer. Anyone have any good luck with the Cuddebacks or bushnells? i also see alot of guys on here using covert cameras. What is your opinion?
  7. Just starting to get my cameras out so i dont have any pics for this year yet. But i just wanted to share a few pics of the great potential to come this year!
  8. You've probably already got a new string but check out Vaportrail! awesome job by these guys couldnt be happier with the quality.
  9. Thanks guys! It was all so quick that we never even thought to film the bird afterwards. but its a good lesson learned for the future!
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfF_sp_BdeQ Check out my first video! Lots to learn but off to a good start for the year, Anyone have an advice?
  11. I think I clipped the bottom of her chest or neck. I dont know where else would make her bleed like that with our hitting a major organ.
  12. Last night I shot a doe at about 35 yards. Whether I mis judged her or she took a few extra steps I shot low and at first I thought I miss her all together but she walked real slow with tail down and twitching. After checking my arrow it had blood on only 1 fletching. She starting bleeding right off the bat and I mean a lot of bright red blood. Pools and some points where she had stopped. After 200 yards I lost all sign of her . Where do you think I hit her and is she honna survive?
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