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Everything posted by devildog9999

  1. I just spent 4 days hunting in Cuba, and the OP is right on. These are the sneakiest SOB's ever. As soon as you are frozen solid, and enter the trailer, they all come out and laugh at you. 4 days straight they did this to us. Very frustrating days, but at least I was still outside and enjoying myself.
  2. I guess no one hunts 9A....My son and I just got 2 extra DMP's from wallly world for free (free because we already had our 1st DMP) . I have a buck tag, and 4 doe permits for 9A and my son has the same. Now all we need is a shot within range. Damn Niagara County for forcing us to use a shotgun. If we were able to use our Rifles we could have bagged a couple.
  3. 9A is pretty sad where I am. Have only seen a few doe and way too far for a shotgun. My camera is all night pictures now where a few weeks ago they were mainly all daytime. Heading to southern tier this weekend to try my luck there.
  4. Windy, light rain here in the Falls. Nothing really major at all luckily.
  5. Got rained out today.... Well, at least got the scope mounted and the bi-pod installed.
  6. Ohhhh Mama... I picked up the 700 SPS, a Nikon scope in the usual 3-9X40 BDC, rings, and mounts. I am scared to death to tell the wife what I spent. Out the door, I am just a bit under a grand. :-) The differences in quality are enormous. Why Remington ever put their name on the 770 - no one knows. This 700 SPS is a thing of beauty. This 700 IS Remington. The Hogue grips, the stock, the bolt - just everything is great. Shooting commences tomorrow morning at the range. Cannot wait to get it zeroed in!
  7. Well, I have to admit - Remington did come through and did the right thing. They offered a full refund on the weapon, and even picked up the shipping charges. Took a bit of doing, but once I got to a manager and he looked at the video, he made the offer to replace or allow the return. I elected to get the refund, and will be leaving shortly to pick up another new 700 model. No more messing around with the 770's.
  8. She shot pretty well! Had to make a LOT of adjustments to the scope, but got the dope dialed in @ 100 yards.
  9. I called the number on the webpage and opened a case. Sent them the video as well via the web link. They gave me a ticket number and said that someone would be in touch with me within 2 business days.
  10. Sorry about that - some people seem to have trouble opening the video. Here is a youtube version:
  11. I finally found some good pricing info - I did pretty good. Gun itself in this condition with no scope and stock barrel is going for around 250 - 300. Second barrel is another 100, not sure what it would cost to have it drilled and tapped, but I added that into my offer, as well as the scope. I feel comfortable and I know that he did as well - he REALLY needed the cash, so I have a good conscience too.
  12. I could not help myself... Had to buy it. Paid 350 for it.
  13. He does not really know what to ask for it, and I don't want to cheat him or lowball. I looked at it earlier - it is in great shape. The inside of the receiver is not even worn, nor are the slides. Could not have had many rounds through it. The stock and forgrip are walnut (i think?) with a single thin scratch about 1/2' long. Both barrels are in perfect condition, does not look like the slug barrel has even been swapped in, not a scratch anywhere. I will not be able to get an exact year until Monday when I call in the serial number but I am guessing 2000 - 2002 from what I can see in other pictures. I'll see if I can run back over and get a few pictures.
  14. I got a call from a friend of mine today, who has a neighbor looking to sell a Remington 870 Wingmaster with both the original bird barrel, and the Brushmaster deer barrel. The weapon is already drilled and tapped and has a set of Weaver 1" rings, and an older Redfield 2 3/4X scope. Based on the fact that the stock barrel has no date code, that tells me it was manufactured after 1999. The other barrel comes back as a 2002 (slug barrel) - so what do you estimate the value at in "good" condition?
  15. This was bought for my son. No way I was going to buy him a 700 for his 1st gun, especially because he has a knack for starting something and getting bored with it after a while. Still have not heard back from Remington either... very disappointing.
  16. Ugh.... I cannot believe that Remington put their name on this. I have a "ticket" opened with them, and waiting to hear what they say. Less than 2 boxes of ammo through this one, already had issues with the scope on the 1st support ticket and now this. http://boatingwny.co...wnloads/770.mp4
  17. Well - he got in a class! Showed up less than an hour ago on the DEC site & I war dialed through the busy signals and got him in with 3 spots left in the class. Looks like he is going to be able to hunt after all. I called and told him that the last class until next year was full - and that it was his fault for waiting too long to make up his mind. Had him going for at least 10 minutes before I gave him the real news. lol! He was like "Dad - THAT is messed up that you did that to me! I wanted to go out with you sooooooo bad this year!" I gave him a lesson in humility, and preparedness. I hope that he will learn this lesson, and grow from it. I was really surprised at how down he was about having to wait another year to hunt. At the end of the day, it is up to him now to complete the course! Let this be a reminder to everyone who has a son coming of age that "may" want to hunt with you. I suppose I could have pushed him harder, but I really wanted him to make the decision on his own.
  18. This may very well turn into a lesson for him. Take too long to decide, and you lose out for a year. :-)
  19. He just decided that he wanted to hunt. (explained in the op) It is actually HIS fault, not mine, but I am the Dad, so I am trying to get him in. Every course within 50 or so miles is full, even if they are listed on the DEC website. This one is the only one left so far that may be within reach: Erie 10/22/2012•Mon 10/23/2012•Tue 10/24/2012•Wed Hunter Ed 6:00pm•10:00pm 6:00pm•10:00pm 6:00pm•10:00pm Eden-North Collins Rod and Gun Club, 2404 Sand Rock Rd., Eden. You must Pre-register after 10/08/12! Call Bob at 716-992-4866. Class size is limited to 35 students. You must attend all sessions. This one is an "In person" Registration but getting the time off of work is near impossible. Erie 10/22/2012•Mon 10/23/2012•Tue 10/24/2012•Wed Hunter Ed 6:00pm•10:30pm 6:00pm•10:30pm 6:00pm•Done Homestudy Course! This class requires 5 or more hours of homework before the field session(s). Bison Archery, 2459 Seneca Street, Buffalo. You must Pre-register in person and pick up home study materials at Bison Archery on 10/06/12 between 12:00pm•5:00pm! You must attend all sessions. If worse comes to worse - he will miss this year and will take the course in the spring. I was looking forward to some time with this boy in the woods, but next yuear is another year.
  20. You may want to look at a GoPro Hero HD. I use one on my boat and the jetski - it is absolutely amazing. You can kill all sounds, and even set it to operate on a "1 button" Start /stop. PM me if you want to see some of the video I have taken with it. Really great camera, waterproof, fog proof, and tiny. Even has a handlebar mount that will attach to a rifle, shotgun, or scope.
  21. Trying to get my son into a Hunters education course, but even after a month of watching the DEC website and literally war dialing all of the classes with 50 miles I still cannot find a spot. We are in Niagara Falls, NY, and looking for ANYWHERE that has a spot for a 17 year old to get the course. Do any of you know a location not published on the DEC site that has any openings? Even my own Sportsman's club cannot fit him in. I talked to a guy in Erie county (Buffalo) this morning and he told me that I was caller 88 with 60 spots available - that was at 5:57 this morning! I cannot believe how hard it is to get a spot. (Even though it is my fault for not looking earlier. He just decided about a month ago that he wants to hunt this year) I have already got his entire day pack setup and purchased, as well as his new 870 combo. I am starting to get desperate. Any help would be REALLY appreciated! Thanks!
  22. Thanks everyone, I appreciate the welcomes. Just brought my son home with his new 870 Express Combo. He is Psyched! Off to the Lasalle Sportsman's Club tomorrow to get it dialed in on iron sights. He asked for a scope - and I told him no way! Master the weapon 1st, and in a couple years we will consider it. I believe that he should master the basics with a new firearm 1st - then look for an optics package. He still has a lot to learn!
  23. Hello Everyone, I am located in Niagara County but hunt all over much of western NY and into the Southern tier. I am in my low 40's and been hunting pretty much anything and everything since I was 12. Look forward to reading through the forum and getting to know the place. I will be hunting this year primarily in 9A and 9F with Shotgun, and a few "Camp" weekends down southern tier with Rifle. Also this year will be the 1st actual hunting season for my son who will be accompanying me in the Shotgun areas so wish him luck! See you all around! DD
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