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Posts posted by elvin

  1. thanks for the replies. I did some digging and i found some comments regarding leaving personal property on the DEC website, but nothing definitive.

    I definitely would be worried about it getting stolen. lock box and cable definitely.

    I'll shoot the DEC an e-mail and/or maybe a phone call. Thanks again guys.

  2. I posted this in another thread, but I figured it can't hurt to add it to the official Bow Hunting harvest thread.

    Yesterday morning I realized one of the biggest lessons ... preparation pays off. Last year I spent countless days in the woods without even seeing a deer. I did no pre scouting and in turn, spent many an hour sitting against a tree just 'hoping' a deer would wander by. I made sure I had things in order this year. Working to gain access to some private land, putting trail cameras out, scouting for deer trail/sign, and practicing every single night with my bow. This morning it all paid off.

    Was hunting a small piece of semi-private land in Rockland county this morning. I was about 3/4 of the way up a hill, working the edge of a hedgerow where the deer had worn a trail through. The trail cameras gave me a good idea how many deer were coming through. At 8 a.m. I started to hear some activity off to my left in the hedgerow. I had been waiting there since 5:30, trying to catch them coming out of their bedding area. A four point buck stepped out along the deer path and began working his way to my stand.

    He stepped out, I gave a quick grunt to stop him and let the arrow go. He had just started to turn towards me when I shot, so what I thought was a perfect broadside shot, turned in to a quartering-towards shot. Arrow hit right behind his front leg, right on my mark, and exited out his side, taking the liver on the way out. He ran for about a 100 yards and I heard the big crash. When I recovered him I was afraid the arrow had exited too far back, but there was no gut whatsoever in the cavity.

    Certainly not a trophy class buck, but it's my first bow kill and my first buck!




    congrats on the take! I live in rockland county and i've been trying to gain access to private lands. I've tried Dr. Davies farm with no luck only that there's an unnamed hunting club that hunts there already.

    Any tips for gaining access in rockland?

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