My Father told me leasing, and posting would be the death of hunting if it got out of control back in the early 90`s. Sorry to hear about the situation in Portville. In Chautauqua county there was 1000`s of acres open it was Hammermill Paper. International Paper bought them out, and now Hancock Mgmt., owns, or manages it.
I`ve known a few guys who actually leased property, and gave it up over the years. Bottom line in this area is after a few years of an overpriced lease, and few deer taken the leases sit open for years. I have yet to meet a leaser around here who is happy with the deer hunting. The deer population is low in southern Chautauqua county. Small game is seriously down also. We have a lot of Fisher around here also. A big mink basically. Coyotes have increased also.