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Posts posted by POC

  1. I hunt down in Souther Dutchess County and  it was not a good gun season at all for me. Rutting activity where I hunt seemed to be around 11/1- 11/15, Had many bucks on camera and took a 9ptr with the bow as he was coming in on a doe grunting the whole way, then once gun season started all the deer dissappeared.  No pics on the trail cam and saw deer only 2 out of 12 sits.

  2. Well,I hunted more than most years, but passed a lot in bow .Saw many mature bucks but at a distance. One doe in bow that I gave away.

    Gun hunted my behind off.one in the freezer ,sure passed a lot early then things slowed.

    3 mature bucks killed near me ,all of which i had on cam by my stands. By mature I mean 24 inch 8 pt, 12 pt with double split brows 12 inch g2s,High 8pt. All I had on cam. So,that was a disappointment in a way. Still a few slammers Around for ML.

    So I got out a lot ,meat in freezer, hunted with buddys that's really what it's about for me.


  3. Hi All, I live in Dutchess County, saw many deer during the bow but since gun season started it's like a ghost town behind my house. I only have about 20 acres to hunt so there is no where else I can go. Has anyone had the same experience in Dutchess County? Do you think they are still in rut in this area?

  4. I too live in Wingdale and so far I have not seen much action. Heard some shooting on opening day and I saw a young 4ptr and a doe on Monday but passed them up. Waiting for something bigger but losing patience.

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