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    Western Monroe county
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Well, thats what happened. I wanted him to be out there this time lol, hoping he would go up to the deer and put her out of her misery (was ready to split the meat with him also). When he didnt answer I decided to do it myself. As for the gut pile, I was heading out the next morning to clean it but wanted his permission to go on his property prior, thats when he went off on me. I know he likes to hunt coyote and thought for sure he would want it left alone for bait. I would have cleaned it up that evening but decided to wait till morning.
  2. Yes, I did field dress the deer on his side. I went over there to thank him and ask if he wanted me to clean up the gut pile. This doe was huge (around 180lbs) and tried to drag her to my side but it was just too thick. He was raging mad and I just backed away from him. He called the sheriff on me but they never came over to talk to me. I called them and the sheriff told me he was irate and not to go over on his property even to clean up the mess.
  3. Well, here is an update from what I have found out. DEC has stated they are not going to pursue this. They said They really do feel sorry for me but as long as he is on his property when commiting these annoying acts that there is nothing that can be done legally. I did qoute them the law as it is Written "or follows the licensed person in or about such place and engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts which alarm or seriously annoy such licensed person and which serve no legitimate purpose. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, no one shall be arrested for violation of this section by other than a duly designated peace officer acting pursuant to his special duties, or a police officer." And that no where is there does it state anything about property. Anyways, decided to mail him a letter and see where it goes. Good thing I have some meat in my freezer anyways. As for finding another place to hunt. I am not giving in to his child and reckless behavior. I have a nice place to hunt and right out my back door. Why should I not have the enjoyment of being able to hunt at home? This does suck, and I have spoken to other neighbors and they have issues with this a-hole also.
  4. He's 59 and I'm 54. Two well grown up adults LOL.
  5. Yes, he's a hunter. That's the part that confuses me.
  6. wow, thanks for all the replies. The problem I have is that this guy is unapproachable. He told me never to even come to his door again or he will have me charged with trespassing. Other problem I have is I only have 7-1/2 acres, a long but not wide lot (about 235 feet wide). I have my two stands on the far side of the wood lot and as far away from the line as I can (about 40-50 yards) so not many options there. Think I am going to try to use the video camera on my i-phone everytime I go out and try to catch him. Another thing I am thinking of is to write a letter and put it in his mailbox asking him to come over and lets settles this like two grown adults. I offered to show him the blood trail and where I shot the deer but he wanted nothing to do with it. Maybe I probably should have just let the deer suffer and bleed out rather than taking that final shot. This thing just has me confused. Ive read the Hunter harrasement law for New York and he clearly fits it to a tee. Why the DEC is not taking this seriously has me dumbfounded.
  7. Hey everyone. My 1st post on here. I am having serious issues with my next door neighbor. We dont see eye to eye on a number of issues but this time it has gotten out of control and hoping someone on here might be able to send me in the right direction. I shot a nice size doe behind my stand last week. I hit her pretty good, but higher than I wanted to. I hit the artery along her back and she went right down. She got up a several times, went a few steps and crashed. She was heading toward the property line and my neighbor also hunts. I called out for him several times in the hopes he could put a final shot in her to end her suffering but there was no answer so I took the final shot myself from my stand. When I got down I wanted to be sure there was a clear blood trail where she initially went down cause I knew my neighbor would be pissed and thinking I shot her on his property. This was not a blood trail but a clearly defined red road with blood all over, ground, one trees, bushes, ect. I could actually see her bleeding from my stand @ 40 yards. Anyways, I went over to the neighbors to get permission to recover my deer, he very rudely gave his ok. The next day he was out getting his mail and I went over to thank him for letting me recover my deer and to tell him I would go back and clean up the mess if he would like me to. He was very angry, screaming at me and swearing, told me he called the sheriff and was going to have me arrested for shooting a deer on his property. Tried to explain and told him to just follow the trail but would not let me get a word in. Sheriff came and never even came over to talk to me. I called the DEC office for my region and asked if they could send someone over to document what happened and to verify where I shot the deer. Officer said he would try to come out but never showed up. The following weekend I wend out to my stand early in the morning (around 7:00am) and was welcomed by my neighbor standing 35-40 yards from my stand right on the property line with his shotgun held sidearmed. He glared at me and fired two rounds into the woods, never even looking at what he was shooting just glaring at me. I said I hope that makes him feel better, he just called me a F#($*ng jerk. I knew there was no sense arguing over it and immediatly left my stand and headed home. I called the DEC and still have not gotten any results. I think they really dont want to get in the middle of a dispute between neighbors and dont really blame them but this has gone over the top and needs to be addressed in my opition. What do I do? I cant even enjoy the last week of the season cause of this A-hole
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