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  • Hunting Location
    New York
  • Hunting Gun
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Quick update! I now completed Hunters safety, i have my hunting license plus a DMP for section 8P. One of my friends may let me hunt on his land in that area, and if not there are two parks you can hunt (Pigtail and Urbana) I have some of my girlfriends grandfathers guns stored at her moms house in the Elmira NY area. I have a cleaning kit to make sure they are in good shape and hope to clean then and take them to the range soon.
  2. Hi I live in Brooklyn NY work in Manhattan and over the the last year i have gotten interested in pursuing hunting as a hobby. It all kind of started with watching The Wild Within and Meat Eater shows with Steven Rinella, then reading some of his books. Unfortunately nobody in my family is a hunter so i am kind of on my own. Also it seems there is not much in the way of hunting shops and gun clubs in Manhattan or Brooklyn. My first step it to complete a NY Hunters Education course and then go from there. My interest in hunting is mainly about getting food and enjoying the outdoors. I am open to hunting pretty much any animal you can eat. Any tips or advice would be more then welcome! Thanks, Jason
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