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Scott Grandits

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Status Updates posted by Scott Grandits

  1. Anyone got some time to cut this guys hair later?

  2. Anyone wanna go fishing later?

  3. Anyone wanna go try and kill a bird in the morning with the big dog?

  4. Apparently 2 guards think its a great idea to try and block lobs

  5. Apparently if you weight less than 150 pounds its mandatory that you wear a wife beater at best fitness.

  6. Are people seriously watching hockey right now?

  7. Are you fucking kidding me. Beiber? Really?

  8. Ball dont lie hahaha

  9. Basketball game in west seneca in 11 minutes. Time to get my Jeff Gordon on.

  10. Bed for a couple hours, then gettin after those birds with @KyleShreve71

  11. Before ya know it you're 5 deep at 3 pm

  12. Best fucking concert I've ever been to.

  13. Bird man hahahahahahaha hahahahahahhahahahagahagagagaggahhahahahaha

  14. Brandon knight to his team after the game.... http://t.co/OhYudWUzxE

  15. Brantley Gilbert is a fuckin boss.

  16. Bron would be the best receiver in the NFL.

  17. Bullfeathers is quite the mix

  18. But I wipe my own ass

  19. City tavern isn't crowded.

  20. Coles tonight.... I THINK SO!!!

  21. Damn fireball gets ya every time.

  22. debating on whether or not to stop at bass pro....

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