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Scott Grandits

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Status Updates posted by Scott Grandits

  1. There is nothing more annoying than bed sheets that won't stay on properly.

  2. It's always the people who have absolutely lost their minds that are trying to give people life help on twitter.

  3. I just got petted during the middle of a set

  4. To go to the gym, or to go shoot the bow before work? #importantlifedecisions

  5. Before ya know it you're 5 deep at 3 pm

  6. Eric church.... Lookin more and more like Johnny Cash. I love it.

  7. Apparently if you weight less than 150 pounds its mandatory that you wear a wife beater at best fitness.

  8. I wonder when the last time a team that wore tee shirts won the national championship.

  9. It's so much easier to get out of bed when its nice out.

  10. So some psycho stabbed 14 people at a school in Texas. You guys wanna take my knives away now too?

  11. My energy levels have been insane lately.

  12. I joked about being sore from skyzone last week, and boy did I learn my lesson.

  13. Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?

  14. Yup... Back to bed won.

  15. I always think about how I hate my job at times.... Then I drive by the kid who dances all day dressed as the Statue of Liberty.

  16. So we're just not gonna tweet about how great Adam Scott's biceps look?

  17. I would love to break Kim kardashians face.

  18. I hope all these sick fucks die the slowest most painful death possible.

  19. I still don't understand the charge your phone in public places thing.

  20. Do I take it out or do I leave it in

  21. Four page paper due at 10:50. Challenge accepted.

  22. “@buffalobills: GM Buddy Nix: #Bills Aaron Williams will begin the season as a safety” hahahaha @TylerGrandits10

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