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Scott Grandits

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Status Updates posted by Scott Grandits

  1. Well got about a mile from school and realized I forgot to do something. #imgonnabelate #imanidiot http://t.co/b9pRJ1cPSp

  2. Long sleeves were a terrible idea

  3. Do people actually enjoy tequila?

  4. But I wipe my own ass

  5. I don't get tan lines. I get burn lines.

  6. 16 hours work days are awesome.

  7. 4:30 am only brings the finest out to the Amtrak station

  8. A 1.75 of makers. Happy birthday to me

  9. How much did Sam young drink before this game?

  10. When did @Herse14 become such a wagon?

  11. Just bent over to get someone's keys they dropped and completely ripped my jeans down the ass. Awesome.

  12. Anyone wanna go try and kill a bird in the morning with the big dog?

  13. I love this golden state team.

  14. Tony Allen just stole @michaellicata 's pull the old chair out move.

  15. Fired up for this warriors spurs game

  16. This should be my last semester. But, I just love college so much I figured I'd make it last another year!!!!

  17. So there's a guy with his nipples pierced doing push ups with his shirt off on the bathroom floor in campus west.You thought your day sucked

  18. Just made a major switch in my life. Burrito over to bowl. I think I'm officially a bowl guy.

  19. Not many better feelings than taking your pants off after working 10 hours.

  20. Taking my momma out to dinner cause she's better than all you assholes

  21. Hahahahahaha Nate Robinson hahahahahahaha

  22. I don't understand these damn turkeys.

  23. Mothers on Mother's Day.

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