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Scott Grandits

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Status Updates posted by Scott Grandits

  1. Mr. Daniels, you make one hell of a product.

  2. My energy levels have been insane lately.

  3. My Saturday nights have consisted of me being in bed by 10:30. And I'm not mad about it.

  4. Never gonna grow up, never gonna slow down.

  5. No turkeys... Got tortured by Mosquitos... So happy I got up at 4.

  6. Not gonna lie.... Kinda enjoy watching soccer.

  7. Not many better feelings than taking your pants off after working 10 hours.

  8. Nothin like a boulders workout on a beautiful Friday

  9. Nothing fires me up like a good bench celebration

  10. Nothing like a fresh glass of well water.

  11. Nothing like a little car trouble to start a morning.

  12. Nothing like the Letchworth Pines

  13. Oh sweet Jesus, Andrew Bogut may have just killed Javalle McGee.

  14. One of your players tested positive for 3 different kinds of anabolic steriods.... And a low grade, beaver tranquilizer

  15. Outta work at midnight. Up for work at 5. What's summer vacation again?

  16. People....@jedpazzmin is tending the bar at Malones tonight

  17. RG3 looks like Trent Edwards

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