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Everything posted by jesse.james

  1. http://www.syracuse.com/outdoors/index.ssf/2014/10/syracuse_bowhunter_arrows_17-point_buck_in_jamesville-dewitt.html
  2. Wind swirling. Duck hunters blasting, and my head pounding. Good day to be in the woods
  3. Took overtime all week at work.:-)
  4. I don't care if there is no wind. I don't climb a tree without a harness.
  5. I'm staying out of my hunting area until Sunday. Let it cool off and the moon get smaller. Will be armed with fresh deer estrus
  6. Almost 80 degrees tomorrow. Glad I decided to work all say on my day off
  7. I'm at work. Working a 16 hr day at 2.5x pay. I'd like to thank Columbus for being a piss poor navigator. Good luck to those in the woods today
  8. You may want to actually read the thread. OK thanks. And no I'm not miserable. My life is amazing. Thanks for playing.
  9. So wind is not in my favor for this stand so cover scent is a must. Took my climber up 20 ft then drop the bottle into a bramble bush. Extreme claw game ensues.
  10. Three shots in such rapid succession had to be shooting at a running deer. Ahh huh teaching the right young .....smdh
  11. Or better yet give them the second weekend of November. That is the weekend before regular season.
  12. It's a war zone around here. Up to 7 shots. Might as well call it quits for the week. The deer will be ghosts for at least that long after today. DEC are idiots. Let's stir up the deer and push then nocturnal in mid october....great idea!
  13. Oh joy the first "youth" hunter shot of the day a few hundred yards from me. Ohbwsit...number 2 and three. Sounds like the "youth" are doing well.
  14. And that ladies and gentlemen is how a hunt is over before it begins. Super quiet. Kick one up walking in but no big deal. Still had a ways to walk. It's about 5:45. Finally get to my tree. Climb up it and get everything settled in. 6:25 roles around and I hear a deer coming through the woods. It's trotting along at an even clip. Definitely a buck from how it's walking. Knew there was no way I was going to get him to stick around. 5 mins after him it's still to dark and I hear another deer coming in. This one is taking its time eating. Still 20+ mins from shooting light. It's right under my tree. I can hear the crunch as it munches acorns. 10 mins goes by as it hangs out under my tree. Must have caught my sent from when I was on the ground. Half blow then 1 bound and stops. Hangs out for 5 more. Still dark but getting lighter. Finally starts to circle behind me down wind. At first light gets my scent. Blows like holy hell 4 times then is gone. Yup the next doe I see regardless of size gets wacked.
  15. Gotta make sure to keep that front arm up and bend at the waist. You'll get Em next time. Good luck
  16. Lucky ducks. I'm at work. I had the morning off but had damn errands to run. Hunting all weekend but not excited about the kids weekend. I know I'm going to get lambasted for that comment but it's not fun getting your hunt ruined on public land by a kid and adult traipsing through the woods
  17. Debating on if I'm going of tomorrow. Might just wait for the weekend and get some sleep tomorrow instead
  18. Just had 2 small doe come in. They got a pass. Hope I don't regret it.
  19. Got into a new stand a bit late. It's state land and pheasant hunters are running their dogs to prep. Also lots of firing. Not sure the legalities of trap shooting on state land. Had a few quick sprinkles.
  20. Just had a large coyote come trucking through the woods directly at me. He busted my standing up to grab my bow. Had a stare down and he took off. Biggest one I have ever seen
  21. I'd just love to see a deer right now. Sit #6 and so far still skunked.
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