Hey guys im new here. I am an avid out of state bowhunter I live in NJ. My uncle owns 50 acres in the Northern Part of Delaware County. I am possibly entertaining the idea of trying the land out this season. I am only familiar with hunting in NJ and not the big woods of New York State. I know baiting is not legal in NYS. For the guys that use trail cameras where do you hang them? Is there any tell tale sign to look for besides funnels pinch points etc.. I am asking because where I hunt there is many deer and when you find a hot spot its easy to tell its a hot spot. The times I have scouted NYS it seems there is a lot less sign. Any tips for a big woods newbie with trail cameras or bowhunting in general. I am not new to hunting and would consider myself an avid bowhunter but I give you guys a lot of credit as it seems it is a lot harder to find producing spots up North. Thanks !!