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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by NYchick

  1. Some of you guys are oddly paranoid and think I'm some sort of spy/prankster. I'm not sure why...but you should know that there is more than one female in all of NY who has an interest in learning about hunting. It is organic after all.
  2. Also, why is it illegal to sell venison? I was wondering why I could never find it for sale until I read that it's illegal to sell in on NYS website. Is that so that deer aren't excessively killed? I guess it makes sense. But, it sucks for those of us who would like to have a larger variety of proteins without getting them ourselves. Lol.
  3. Hey Water Rat, I use to live in Dutchess County...actually not that far from blackradio who lives in Pawling! Small world, even if I am on a strictly "NY hunting forum! Anyway, thanks everyone for their feedback. I'm definitely still quite intrigued by this idea...although I do wish that the hunting seasons were longer! Maybe I'll get lucky and find the mother load of red squirrels somewhere while I'm out and about since I was reading that they aren't regulated. I'm kidding of course. Also, I misused the word "preserve" like the noob that I am. I meant to say that there are a lot of state owned public lands near me (some have thousands of acres) that allow hunting. Although, I'm assuming a private type land scenario would be better. Wooly, thank you for your optimism. I know that hunting takes a lot of work (as far as learning the trade), so I do like to think that as long as you're willing to educate yourself, you have a fighting chance to succeed! Greybeard, I'm still planning on buying my own vegetables, fruits (and meat since I probably can't catch all of my meat, lol). But, I definitely would like to catch my own meat and have it supplement my diet (as well as my dogs...ps can I bring Italian Greyhounds hunting with me? LOL No. ). TheTruth2, I guess time will tell if I do pursue this if it is worth it to me. I won't know unless I try. I wish I knew ahead of time! Lol! Lastly, I'm not sure who you guys are referring too; but this is my first post here. I didn't make any type of "tranny butt post", lol. Was my question really so noobish that you guys think I'm a troll? I can't be the only one coming on this forum and asking for advice!
  4. Hey everyone, Yesterday, I just began researching the idea of hunting for food, not sport. I was hoping to get some feedback as how viable an option this is to other food hunters out there. I'm currently in a rural area (in Rensselaer county with quite a few hunting preserves around me), so I wouldn't need to travel too far to start. Obviously I would need the basic equipment, but I'm wondering how "easy" is to to successfully hunt? Do food hunters often find that the time spent isn't worth the pay off? Or, can it be worth it if you're not picky about what game (small vs large) you choose, process the meat yourself, and use decoy's etc? Anyway, I have two dogs right now that are on the raw diet. Also, for varying reasons at the moment, I need to stay on an extremely high animal protein organic only diet. So, I was looking into this as another way to obtain organic meat at a possibly more cost effective means while also having a larger variety than what I can obtain at my local supermarket. Any insight is appreciated! :-P
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