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Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    renss and saratoga county
  • Hunting Gun
    winchester 308 or Ruger 44 mag
  • Bow
    PSE Nova
  • HuntingNY.com

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. answer to your questions earlier. yes see deer there all the time. there is food. water bedding poop rubs and scraps. but never deer once season starts. also Yes I have rattled a 6 and an 8 pointer in. and grunt has worked good too. but they never give me a shot. sometimes I get no response. all depends if there in the area or not.
  2. Hello, New to the forum but not new to hunting. All though you would think I was. I've been reading post and past post. I have done all the things many of you talk about. I'M 45 years old. I am doing something wrong. I have only gotten 2 deer my entire life. I can shoot my bow and split arrows if I wanted to. I can shoot my rifle and hit any target consistently. The problem is i'm not seeing any deer. So who would like to help the old guy out......LOL I can tell I have gotten one with bow and one with rifle in same spot end of bow beginning of gun. 2 days season was over. I would really Appreciate any help. wife got laid off after 12 years with same company daughter in collage. and we all eat deer meet so it would be great to also help put food on the table and enjoy the outdoors.
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