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The Silent bang

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Posts posted by The Silent bang

  1. My brother and I are talking and that's the game plan leave the does for a year or two see what happens. We just took the trapping corse so going to start trapping for coyotes and see how many we pull out and see if that plays a part. Thanks guys for all info

  2. I’m a little confused, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice??  This is the first year I’m hunting at a new location and it’s going to be my spot for the long hold. Its in 3A, there are no DMP in my area but with the bow I have antler and antlerless tags (2 ea.) of them for my brother and myself. I’m reading up on the area and from what I read on the DEC website, they’re stating that there are low deer numbers per square mile in my area.


    This is what I read from the DEC:


             “Buck take in this unit has never reached the former objective of 3.0 bucks per square mile established in 1992, despite few or no DMPs issued in most years. The minimal antlerless harvest during bow and muzzleloader season each year, combined with periodic winter mortality events, are sufficient to hold the population near its current level. The 2011 and 2012 buck take dropped below previous levels due to an antler restriction that was implemented in the southern half of the unit in 2011 and in the full unit in 2012. The unusually mild winter of 2011-12 likely had a positive impact on the deer population, possibly allowing for some modest population growth. As usual, there will be no DMPs available for the 2013 season.

    WMU 3A

    Area = 694 mi2

    Buck Take Objective = antler restriction unit

    2012 Buck Take = 1.0 bucks harvested per mi2

    2012 Total Deer Take = 1.2 deer harvested per mi2”


    My brother and I set up some food plots and I have cameras around my property.  One day we saw, all at the same time, 6 fawn, 3 big does’ and a spike feeding. Overnight, we saw one big buck that we only caught on the camera traveling alone.

     From what I’m reading about deer and the rut, bucks will travel to mate so we’re hoping with all the does’ around they'll attract more bucks. But now with the numbers we’re getting from the DEC website, we’re nervous to take any does’.  What I’m trying to ask is: what do you guys think about it?  If we take a fawn, we might kill a future buck. If we take a doe that could be pregnant, that could possibly take three deer out in the area. What would you guys do to have a good hunting year and keep the area growing for the future???? From what I’m seeing based on the statistics, and from what I see in my backyard, the numbers don’t sound right?  My brother and I are just worried about getting down to the level that the DEC is stating.  Thanks

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