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Posts posted by nys-buckstalker

  1. Switched from Muzzy 4 blade 100 grainers 3 years ago to Slick Trick Razor Tricks in 100 grains. Am glad I did, my groups are tighter and of the 3 deer I shot none went farther than 60 yds. after being shot with them. The Muzzy's I had job tracking 2 deer due to not getting a complete pass thru. The slick tricks I get complete pass thru shooting at 58 lbs. of draw weight. Call me old school but never really liked the whole idea of mechanical broad heads, believe in the kiss method of thinking.

  2. Technically Masonville, betweenTrout Creek and Sidney Center


    Are you county rt. 27 or one of the town roads between there ?  Any way you look at it whoever was your property was in the wrong. 1 because he/she didn't have permission. 2 recovering animal without proper permission. 3. state, county, and town technically own right of ways to properties 20 feet from center line of road, so most ditches are within that 20' center line so you have to be on property side of ditch to fire any firearm or bow.

  3. Actually any leftover tags maybe filled in late Muzzleloader / archery including regular season tag/dmp . Also maybe filled in Early archery (27-30 of Sept) as long as you have muzzleloader/ archery license. License year runs from Oct. 1st. to Sept. 30th.

  4. No doe permits and ARs in the same area-yikesI can't imagine the hunting pressure is that high


    Oh it is, everybody and their brother are trying to "shooter" bucks . There is about 250 acres of DEP city land across the road from my girlfriend's house. The 3 dogs were carrying on something ferious on sat afternoon like someone was at door. Looked out front door and there was 3 deer running down middle of road and heading across a state road for safety. Drove up the road from house and there was 4 trucks in 3/4 mile stretch of road hunting the property. 


  5. Hear what you are saying . Seen 3 bucks opening day, spike, 3 pointer and 4 pointer. If wasn't for AR anyone of them would be in my freezer for winter meat. Like was said this area will never be the mid west with 180-200 inch racks. In a couple years maybe have a few 130-140's.

      The other side of it will put more bucks in woods to breed does. A few years will have a buck/doe ratio of 1-1. Being the DEC doesn't give dmp's for this area without a pref. point . Area will have more deer than it can hold then will be big problems. More deer/auto accidents and peoples gardens being raided.

  6. Is very heavily hunted and deer are highly pressured. If you see a deer you are lucky let alone a legal buck due to antler restriction.  Is full of clowns who think the whole mountain is theirs. Have hunted there about 4 years ago. No luck and seen more hunters than deer.  A better idea would be to check on DEP website and get a permit to hunt NYC watershed properties.

  7. It was one of them fainting goats in a deer suit lol.  If he could see it was still breathing why didn't he put a round in the back of it head.  I have actually walked and stalked up on a doe one time while it was sleeping about 15 years ago. Was sleeping under some small pine trees and was a light rain so ground was wet and quiet. I got within 5 feet of her. I started going "Psst ,psst, wakey wakey. It started shakening it head like was still not fully awake and I yelled " Hey What are you doing" !!! She hauled ass out of there and ran about 30 yards and stood looking at me .  My dad and my best friend were standing about 50 yards from me as I was doing this. We never laughed so hard. I swear that deer must of been thinking " What in the heck just happened ? " I'm sound asleep and some jackass just woke me up.

      Could of shot her but dad had a rule on our place . Was " no does to be shot until final weekend of season and had to be a doe without fawns. That rule is still used today in our hunting area. Even thou dad passed away. we still follow his rules.

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  8. The way I always understood it was tag was filled out upon field dressing the animal and didn't need to be attached until was ready to be transported by vehicle or hung. If you were legal and were legal kills you shouldn't have any worries. As for the beers all I can say is guns and booze don't mix so would say done for day. 

  9. Works alright, all it is ground chalk or talcum powder, Playing the wind is a must for whitetails or any animal. Only downside of them is cant see what wind is doing 30 feet away from you. milk weed seeds or small feathers work better. 

  10. Couple sandwiches, either PBJ or ham and cheese, a couple apples, some trail mix, a couple bottles of water some jerky I make from beef or an archery deer, and a thermos full of black coffee. The sandwiches and jerky I put in Tupperware containers.  The trail mix I use an old water bottle with the wide mouth so can pour directly in my mouth or hand. Come late muzzleloader season I bring hot soup in a thermos just to warm up. I tried those energy drinks but they only made me want to pee more than coffee. Usually can make it all day on stand without having to go.

  11. Do both. Depends on which part of property I am on. The field edges I'm sitting in tree stand or moving with my climber when along field edge. Hard woods I still hunt the ridge tops early in the am trying catch bucks walking it trying to scent does. By afternoon I find a good upturned tree root and get up by it.

  12. Opening day was quiet in the morning. The fog we had here could of did without with. Made it a little chilly and damp. About 11:30 had a doe I named "Witch" come out with her fawn and hung out till about noon. Then about 12:30 a spike buck walked by in front of me ,then 20 minutes later come back across behind me down wind of me. He just kept running around me doing something what I would call a half snort wheeze and a doe snort. Sounded like a dog bark. He was sometimes about 10 yds. from me doing that and looking behind him. He finally left about 2. 

      Around 4 had another doe and her fawn come about 20 yds. from my stand and a small rack 5 point was following her around and running off the fawn. They all walked off just before dark. The bad thing for him is he'll never make it till next year. He was hit sometime after dark by a car and I seen him on side of road yesterday morning about 1/2 mile below where I seen him Sat.

      One other thing I saw I got a kick out of was a male grouse chasing a hen around. he was all fanned out and doing his little mating dance , head bob and all. watched him for at least 45 minutes. Been hunting since I was 14 for small and big game and that is the first time I have ever seen such a thing. Have heard them drum logs and such but never seen them "dance", was pretty cool.

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