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Posts posted by HUNTINGS IN MY DNA

  1. They are moving during the day. Might not be as much but they are moving. I will be out tomorrow one of the hottest days probably in November but it is better than sitting at home! I will probably be sleeping by 11 am due to 70 degree weather. Not sure if I will hunt all day as I am prepping for the deep woods trip but morning action should be good.

    Rut is in full swing and the big boys are moving. If you can hunt this weekend it should be a great time for movement. Don't give up this is prime time!!! Good luck guys!


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  2. You are not alone. Between the bumper crop of acorns and now this warm weather my prime spot has been a tough go so far.

    About a week ago when we had that sharp cold snap one morning I saw 9 deer with a basket 8 grunting the does around. Since then, no rutty behavior and not a whole lot of movement in general.

    But based on the sign, it's obvious the deer are there and likely on their feet at night.

    yep a lot of night movement on my cams also

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  3. Fortunately, the rattlesnakes in my area have always been a target of extermination over the centuries, and so I will not likely ever be bitten by them here. I see that as a fortunate thing. In fact, I don't even want a "risk" of being bitten, or even that concern, and frankly I am not disappointed that that risk has been eliminated. And amazingly enough, the world has carried on quite nicely without them. I hope it stays that way. As far as the coyotes are concerned I have no serious issues with them ...... yet.

    how the fuck does that guy compare coyotes and rattlesnakes I can't take this world anymore yeah sure lets love a snake that hides and when you don't see it it bites you and you die lol that guy is a liberal with animals just like people are liberals with this country that's why it's going to shit I just love cyber bullies

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