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Posts posted by Black09jk

  1. This is my 5th season hunting, but my 1st with a bow. Up until this year I would only get out a handful of times a season with no luck. Well, Oct 26th was my day.

    It was an extremely windy day. I was with a friend on their property. The tree stand I was in was about 10 yards into the woods from a corn field. All morning I was seeing deer behind my tree but the tree was wider than me so a shot was nonexistent. Finally around 9:15 I was tired of just watching them run around behind me and hopped into the tree. Balancing on 3 huge branches and waited for the biggest doe in the group to walk into the open. I laid back, Drew, sat up and realized there was another branch in my face. Scooting down the branch a little while holding my draw I found a clean lane. I ended up taking the shot at 30 yards and double lunged her. She ran about 50 yards into a swamp and expired.

    I'm so happy my first harvest was with a bow. What a feeling! I'm hooked on bow hunting. I don't even want to take the shotgun out this year.


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