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  1. Haha thanks for the feedback. Yeah, there are already some dog earmuffs on the market called 'mutt muffs' but they have very mixed reviews and plenty of people saying they are too expensive/ don't do anything to block out the sound. So i figured I'd be able to make them cheaper/better and see if anybody else would be interested . if you don't mind me asking, would you ever use ear protection for your dog? If not, why + what would make you try it?
  2. Sorry if I have posted this in the wrong section. My last dog was totally deaf by 11 and this has been attributed to the years and years I took her out hunting with me. To me there currently appears to be no solution to this (have tried mutt muffs and they are useless) so I am currently working on a prototype of dog 'ear muffs' for my newest Cocker Spaniel so she won't suffer the same fate as my last dog! I'm guessing that if I need them then there must been some other dog owners out there who worry about the damage hunting is doing to their dogs' hearing so I'm willing to make a few more but I'll limit it to the first five people. If you are interested then PM me and I'll give you some more details. Thanks, Jack
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